Crazy things to do with your guitar on stage

Quickly alternate fretting from below and above the fretboard, playing with the neck in front of your face pointing straight up, more shit like that, need to be more creative. Right hand flying all over the place.
1. play with teeth
2. play behind neck
3. play behind back
4. up close to amp for feedback
5. scrap against mikestand for "slide" sounds
6. play with foot while guitar on floor
7. windmill chord attacks
8. do the splits
1) Guitar into octave down, playing bassline all the way(bass into octave up, play lead lines all the way)

2) guitar into guitar synth, triggering drum/synth and playing those sound through out

3) guitar as constant feedback source but maniuplating the pitch of feedback and use it as theremin

4) grinding the guitar on the floor, sampling the sound of strings against floor and pitchshift it into either sub low or overly high bat frequency range to induce sublimal message of decadence

5) guitar as microphone with vocalist shouting into pickup whole night and letting the vocale come out from guitar amp, bass amp thru outetc

any thing othere than the above, aka jumping up and down with guitar, playing guitar as guitar and accompany the bass, drum, keys, swing the guitar over under in out up down left right diagonally across, doing what your favourite rockstar is doing or more is a form of tribute, aka copying with love and not much originality but full of the imaging "brewtal" angsty delusional idea of rocking and looking like rockstar copy

disclaimer: seriously not serious, but some truth to seriousness inside!
i think the most craziest thing anyone could so is spin the guitar up in the air holding only the cable that is hooked on to it. if the guitar kena unplugged, habis ar.. goodnight to whoever kena whack.hahahha.COOL SIA:twisted:

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