Crazy Drummer at HDB


New member
So my neighbour plays drums right?
And while I respect thriving musicians as much as anyone else, this person INSISTS on playing at 1am in the morning.
When I politely told him to stop playing at such odd hours, he actually amplified his drumset by miking it up with his Marshall amp.

Not only that, he records his drumming regularly and enjoys playing it back digitally at the loudest volume in the afternoon.

He then mixes his beats in with 'sexy sounds' (Basically, it's the sound that he and his girlfriend makes. Cough) and tells me it's 'experimental drumming' ----------- Experimental?! More like MENTAL DRUMMING!

Can somebody give any advice on how I can tell him off? Maybe get him to stop playing his damn drums with the stupid mixes of his 'sexy sounds' please?
theres a thread in the drumming forum here that talk bout the issue, but its from a drummer pov. Within it, theres some info on it bout drumming in hdb, the do and donts. Police and town council were involved as the person who was drumming has a neighbour who seem to be rather particular and 0 tolerance for the drumming. The news came out newspaper as well.

perhaps you can try to search for the thread and see if theres anything useful from it. I remember there were advices from the town council and police side that were mentioned in there.

edited: ok, theres 2 stick threads there associated with the issue from the drummer side, still, theres some info in it relevant i guess.

heh, try recording on a video cam, for the record of the time and the sound that he is drumming late at night(1am) next time and perhaps, can be used as evidence if really wanna bring the issue to town council, police, MP etc.

oh, and for the sexy sound, i suppose it can be filed under harassment. Just like being naked at home, but not taking any measures to prevent being seen by public.
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ok usually for hdb,the noise curfew is 10.30pm.

1am is like totally ridiculous. you can actually call the police.

i also play drums at home,but normally on weekends only,and thats like from morning about 10am,until 4 or 5pm.

Some people are just annoying with or without drums.

I suggest you call the police when he plays his drums early in the morning again.

Police will come, tell him to stop. If he keeps repeating it, I believe the police have the right to confiscate his drums.

or u can just put a pig or a cow's head in front of his door.that might work.
He shouldn't play the drums late at night/early in the morning.

You shouldn't care about the sexy sounds, cause that may just be his own preference in creating music. Not every creative mind works the same way.
Hmm... the Sexy sounds I'm not sure whether you can complain, but the drums at 1am, you can.
Next time he does it, just call the police and complain about the noise.
Sexy sounds coupled with drumming,that's some food for thought:rolleyes:

Basicallly,he is being a complete pest.No matter how much passion you have for music,one has to understand that there are other people out there who really needs some sleep.
oh i am not sure about what is the protocol for this but i understand your plight! i too am experiencing sleepless nights because of this noisy neighbor i have who recently bought a drumset and is constantly banging away at it.

this thread is inegnious! and i wan to thank you softies for your proposed solution. it really never occurred to me that i could have lodged a complaint to the police! if not for this thread i probably would have gone on forever suffering under the malicious umbrage of my neighbor's ear piercing drums.

i dont know about the sexy sounds though X: sorry. i have no experience in that. perhaps you can look up experts to give you more feed back. peace out man!
Sue his arse.....Then steal his girlfriend to make your own sexy sounds haha jk jk. But ya call the cops.

Bad boys bad boys
"Sexy sounds' is nothing new. Axl Rose already did it in Rocket Queen, haha. And yes, I would call the cops if I were you. Annoying, inconsiderate people like that shouldn't be tolerated.
well in logical sense that would be just to call up the Police and report the incident cause he never comply or so.

In my own theory i would record that sexy thing sound n post it on youtube or so then pass it to everyone on s.o.f.t to make a hall of shame.:)
maybe something for Razor TV? Would match their style, sexy and annoying, maybe including interview with a naked drummer or so
wah lao. hahahah softies damn funny.
Throw flower pot.... put cow head.... go steal gf.. HAHAH.

CALL COPS LA. 1am is just retarded.

Before the cops ring the bell u go and make ur own sexy noise la. say his name in a luring way. HAH. then open the door "SHUT UP LAAAaaaa..." police here.

This type of ppl also have... closest ive heard to sexy sound in music is from the synthesizer. haha.