Contracters / material providers to sound proof jamming rooms


New member
I'm looking into a cost effective sound proofing solution for my jamming room and I wonder if anyone can provide contacts to give me a quotation ( including yourself if you are one ) for this project


provide contacts of companies that provide acoustic materials for soundproofing.

Hey, I am also interested in finding the cost of sound proofing a room, to the OP, could PM me if you find out anything new on this topic? :)

Soundproofing for a jam room

Hi all, we have been doing these projects a lot recently.
The first thing is are you looking for a cheap fix or do u have a buget.
Also what is the size of the room.

There are many different methods for soundproofing and its not like
one product or matieral can work for all cases.
Every case is different, but give us to some more info and i see what we
can come up with.
For instance what sort of instruments are you having in there?

Acoustic Consutant X