Conning in soft


New member
firstly , i may be a bit blunt in my post in other people's thread
i just feel sometimes there are some people trying to con u softies money.
like i last time i saw a korg ax3000g at cond 7.5/10 selling at 330 bucks which is seriously overprice,as guitar 77 was selling it at 340 but comes with a onespot adaptor,so i went to post in that thread sayin it was expensive, and i got many bad remarks back wiith many ppl scolding me. Then i saw a guy selling his epi lespaul ultra at 1k OHSC included. Swee lee is retailing at 1250 and after a so called discount its 1050, and if u wait for the swee lee sales it cost jus maybe at most 750 for both the guitar and hardcase.I have been scolded a thread spoiler for many.

Please tell me am i wrong to go into the threads to criticise the prices they are putting or tell me if ia m right to do so
I think yes you are wrong.. It's their thread.. And people who are buying these stuff should know better about the pricing..

If a newbie is buying some stuff, would they trust 2nd things or go straight to the shop and buy it first hand? Why go for 2nd hand when you don't do any research about the pricing and stuff..

And it's like you're discriminating the thread starter.. You're talking about the price.. Maybe when he first bought it, it may be higher than the price now as prices tend to go down from time to time.. And maybe he himself don't know the current price of the item so he's just selling it cheaper.. If someone who wants to buy the item, should directly pm the person rather than making unneccessary remarks that will make the thread look bad..

That's just my opinion though..
well ok fine maybe i am too blunt in my replies but i feel that you all have the right to know the prices out there currently.. i am just helping to let u all know and i am helping the maybe nxt time i shld say:"sorry bro outside prices are much lower now, maybe u may want to lower yr price way way down."

+1, pming is definitely more polite then posting that they overcharge in their own threads..
btw, i think this kind of thing have to let the buyer and a seller decide..

but we should definitely flame the guy to hell if he tries to sell a fake guitar and states that it is real and sells it at a high price..:)
yea but pming i am just letting the seller know. If the seller is intentionally wanting to con the buyers, he wont change his prices. so i will have to post into his thread
I think there's no point doing that also.. Coz if he wants to con people and there you are telling him that his item is charge overpriced, yes you're right..

But if people don't trust him anymore, he can always create another account without anyone knowing who the guy is.. And he will start conning again.. There are so many threads here in Soft.. I dont think you will go around and be a hero saving everyone from being conned..
its kinda hard to tell who is conning and who is not..
some people might just have bought the items at a wrong time and then selling it off at a higher price..
or maybe its the seller's way of selling the stuff.. like putting the prices high then giving discounts so that the buyer will feel better about buying it?
did you post that comment with the intention of buying it?if not dont post anything even if its a steep price or whatsoever.Singaporeans dont like nosey pokers.especially when they are at the wrong.
Who is it to say what's right or wrong.

Morality is subjective.

I have to go with the thread-starter on this one. At least he tries. How would you feel if you bought something overpriced and found it out only later. That'd be infuriating, won't it? A little warning'd help.
yeah tricky thing man...
i know at singaporebikesforum, this guy goes around flaming threadstaters who wanna sell their bikes. he kena banned already.

buyers shud do research.
seller may not be at fault. he bought it long ago, donoe whats the market price, just sell cheaper than the price he got it for, when it is actually even lower.

ok final say, BOTH buyer and seller pls check and do research.
o so u mean i should post the thread and say its too costly, but i don put the blame on the buyer and give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesnt know the outside rate now?

ok i just want to make my intentions clear here that i am not trying to be a thread spoiler is just that i want to help the buyers.Maybe the way that i am replyin to the other threads sound blunt so it seem that i the bad guy( maybe i am).i have once been con buyin a MIJ dd-6 for 250 bucks. But after a year i realise its MIT the japanese sticker is just a stick on.

ha so i feel i should help buyers.
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well.. as with any type of sale.. i'd reckon it's caveat emptor
"let the buyer beware"

so long as it's willing buyer, willing seller,
arm's length transaction
the onus is on the buyer to do his own research, to see if he is overpaying for the product
if he gets ripped off, that's HIS fault, cos he's lazy
(unless the seller sells a faulty product, then it's a different story)

unless a 3rd party has an interest in the product,
i don't think it's anyone else's place to step in and say it's expensive
(albeit with kind intentions)

just my 2 cents..
as for the sweelee sale thing, the guy may have bought it before or after the sweelee sale.
there was a thread discussing this particular topic a while back.

basically, if the epi lp ultra is indeed 1050 after discount for a normal day, and the seller is selling it at 1k with ohsc, it actually is reasonable. no doubt you could get the epi lp ultra at about 750 during the sweelee sale, but thats after queueing up for a whole bloody day, without a guarantee that you'll actually get the guitar.

but if the person does get it during the sweelee sale, he may not be conning the person he tries to sell it to. it may be that he finds the guitar not to his liking and hence is trying to sell it off. albeit he makes a profit, but its saving the buyer the hassle of queueing up during the sweelee sale to get it, plus getting it at a slightly cheaper price on a normal day.

as long as both the buyer and seller are happy, no harm no foul.

with regards to your blatantly posting in the thread about the guitar being overpriced, it is actually more polite to pm the seller in private to inform him of his mistakes, leaving it up to him as to whether he wants to change the pricing or not. if he doesn't, you've tried already, so your conscience is clear.

remember, the seller does NOT have to make a loss for the buyer to have gotten a good deal. we're looking for a good deal as in looking for an item we want/need at a price within our budget which is the value of the item in question. not as to how much loss the seller is making.

cheers! :)
I think the buyer got to do his research before buying stuff. If someone simply parts with their money without even checking - then I say let them learn from their mistake. If they could not be bothered with checking out prices and specs themselves - then they have it coming to them. Nowadays the forum is full of info - can't say we don't know. Laziness to check is not an excuse.

Best not to comment on price - cause no one likes to be policed. There could be lots of reasons why the person is selling higher and a lot of it can be legitimate reasons. When we post comments about pricing - we imply to other softies that this guy is a cheat and overcharges. May not be our intention - but that is what all other people will percieve. That is what we call the power of perception. If you want to correct the pricing - do it privately.

However I will post & correct threads that do not accurately describe their products. I just did this to one post today.
i think the thread-starter has the right intentions but perhaps his methods can be softened.

i believe that if A knows (not think, but KNOWS) that B is selling an item to C at a deliberately inflated price, he should tell C.

a forum is a community. and people who are part of a community should look out for each other.

yes, yes, "buyer should go check themselves". but there are alot of newbies here and not everyone can or even know where to look or what to look for. besides, it doesnt hurt to be nice.

that's what this forum is for right? to point ppl at the right direction. the "you die, your problem. now look at my new boutique pedals!" attitude is unfortunate.

i would put it NICELY, not to the seller, but to buyers in general and i would do it IN the thread (PM'ing him in private defeats the purpose). at all times, respect the seller and his thread.

Don't accuse anyone of anything. Just mention the price that you saw, when and where you saw it. it is up to any buyers to go verify it themselves.

Likewise, if the seller has good grounds for charging that price, he can always state those grounds. Or if he feels his gear justifies the price difference from other sellers, he can also state those grounds.

what price the seller got it for is irrelevant. unless he has grounds for the price diff, the market forces apply. Just because someone got conned and got a 600 bucks guitar for 700 does not mean he can pass that burden to another person for 800.

in fact, if the seller just gets angry, i as a buyer would be even more suspicious.

this will also ensure that the used gear market is self-enforcing

just my 2 cents
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If someone wants to sell their product at a certain price...let them...just dont buy it if you think its them if you feel morally violated....but it should end there....