Congrats Team Singapore!


Active member
Let's go for the Gold!

the decisive round between feng tianwei and the korean girl was really intense siah!

it was some good table tennis action between both side for all the 5 rounds, sibey tan jiak!
Congrats to Singapore! and the players from a different nationality!

ps: my post got editted by 'someone'
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the decisive round between feng tianwei and the korean girl was really intense siah!

it was some good table tennis action between both side for all the 5 rounds, sibey tan jiak!

2nd to that!! Shizer man, that was the best table tennis action ive seen up to date. Good job to Feng for keeping that composure, could see the korean breaking down towards the end o0
Her play went shaky. My personal opinion though.
Nevertheless, that was an amazing game between the 2. ALL THE WAY SINGAPORE!!
Team Singapore but they ain't Singaporeans..

It's an imported medal anyways.. I don't find any reason to be happy.. Well this is just my opinion..
Team Singapore but they ain't Singaporeans..

It's an imported medal anyways.. I don't find any reason to be happy.. Well this is just my opinion..

i wouldnt be happy if its for other sports too.

but if you look at america and other ang moh countries..
the table tennis players all china one la...
so for table tennis can close one eye xD
"Buying and importing" players is already a norm that many countries are doing. Similar occassions has also occured in other sports such as boxing, badminton etc. Well they maybe from china but at least their training is done in Sg. Don't be too sore about that man, its a medal we're talking about! :mrgreen:

The final game was truely intensifying. I have to say that the korean put up a really awesome fight. The way she neutralise all the blows/smacks from Feng is just totally phenomenal.
Team Singapore but they ain't Singaporeans..
It's an imported medal anyways.. I don't find any reason to be happy.. Well this is just my opinion..

i agree wif u bro...
same too the badminton guy ronald sumtink2... he didnt impress me at all at every games he played... till now nothing.

but hey..who am i to judge :P
just ignore me la
Shame on ourselves for resorting to foreign based talent just to get a medal. They doin it for the money. Other countries are deploying foreign talents as their own, but does this mean we have to follow suit? Quite sad to have our first olympic medal in years, achieved by a foreign born singaporean. Would you leave your own birth country and represent another one? Money can do wonders, i'd say. . .

To the pair who made it to the finals, congratulations to u guys for making your adopted land proud. Just one thing i would like to see is that the pair would at least LIP-SYNC or better still, sing the National Anthem if they win, instead of just staring into blank space when it is being played. this would definitely brand them as true Singaporeans and eliminate all critics about them. . .

Nothing against the Chinese tho, just my humble opinion. . .
Heh, how come no one wanna talk about the match looking at it as a sport

machaim like if later on epl start, my favourite team not playing, i wont watch soccer liao, like that
I'd say congratulations to them coz they've worked hard but I won't feel proud for the obvious reasons. Anyway can't comment on the match coz I didn't see it.
haiyah u all ah typical medal complain no medal wat isit dat singaporeans really want? i dunno wat on earth can the president and prime minister do make you all happy...haha...gif more ERS money? no? or maybe no more ERP? still not happy? free bus and MRT ride? hehehe ;-)
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hey well if u wanna say that team singapore is imported. then can u do a better job getting locals to play ? the thing is that singapore is all about study study study until maybe out of 100 maybe 5-10 only will give up their studies for the passion for sport and anything else . so dependent on studies. what i am trying to say is that in singapore u cant do full time of what yur personal interest . unless u born with a gold spoon la. everything also paid by yur parents and they support yur idea following yur passion. so yea i think its like once a a blue moon to find the talents in singapore with this STUDY study mind set we have. so yea.. i hope this make some sense

but well since the imported players come here to play for singapore u cant say much as they could only afford do something that singaporeans cant do full time . so yeap maybe in a long long long run then we can see some full time sportsman or musician. =)
Listening To micheal jackson - We are the world.

So yeah, no matter what, Olympics is a game that make people together. I felt touched to see people playing games together. And have fun.

BUT, Sad for this dude , weight lifter, an accident happened, he broke his arm while carrying the weights.... Sad.

Anywho, CONGRATS SINGAPORE! AFTER YEARS OF NO GOLD. And maybe that song by the Muttons, made them motivated :)
In the perspective of the game, it is very intense and exciting. Kudos to both teams for a great effort!

In terms of whether or not it is trully a "Singapore" win, well.. they can barely speak English, so singing the national anthem (which is in Malay), would be to me a bigger feat than winning the gold itself ;)
haiyah u all ah typical medal complain no medal wat isit dat singaporeans really want? i dunno wat on earth can the president and prime minister do make you all happy...haha...gif more ERS money? no? or maybe no more ERP? still not happy? free bus and MRT ride? hehehe ;-)

I'd rather Singapore not win a medal, and try their best with their own talents to ACHIEVE it.. Not only the players, but the coach as well..
It gets pretty redundant don't you think? The medal is now just for show.. Everyone knows you didn't earn it.. The Olympics is meant to be a platform where nations compete in friendly conditions, and be proud of their efforts.. Not a platform to show who bags the most number of medals..

We must look at the problem from the most fundamental perspective.. Our education system, and our mentality, have bred us to be unreceptive of excelling at anything that has nothing to do with academics.. People are deterred from being great athletes, because they know that if they do not make it big, our country has made a point in ensuring we have no place for them..

It was an exciting game, that much I can say.. And I must say my argument is pretty biased.. Nobody is angry at Deco for playing for Portugal instead of Brazil, or at Zidane for playing for France instead of Algeria.. Oh well.. May team China A or China B win the gold medal..