Hi it's 2 early in the morning, I've just came to a stop after 4 hours of freagging reading walls after walls of text and watched tons of youtube videos regarding "grounding and shielding". but sadly in which I've simply got even more confused and worn out from fatigue of reading blindly i guess.
After coming across links after links I came across soft and fyi i did use the search function for available threads, but I've really yet to find the issue with my guitar.
Okay hoping that any kind soul out here would be nice enough to not get uber technical as i'd shit bricks after hearin'em.
Yea so erm I'm using an
Ibanez Rg350EX
floating bridge
Problem: When ever i turn on the distort there's that extra horrible humming sound, but if i rest my finger on the strings it goes off, the same when i rest the back of the guitar to my body.
As stated above i've read quite a few sources and they've pointed out the problem could be resolved either by grounding or shielding.
Dont mind me Im really not very familiar with the eletric guitar parts and stuff but I cant really seem to find any info with super strats but instead alot of the examples shown are related to stratos so i was wondering if the info on the web is still applicable to my ibanez?
thanks for the time and the patience
After coming across links after links I came across soft and fyi i did use the search function for available threads, but I've really yet to find the issue with my guitar.
Okay hoping that any kind soul out here would be nice enough to not get uber technical as i'd shit bricks after hearin'em.
Yea so erm I'm using an
Ibanez Rg350EX
floating bridge
Problem: When ever i turn on the distort there's that extra horrible humming sound, but if i rest my finger on the strings it goes off, the same when i rest the back of the guitar to my body.
As stated above i've read quite a few sources and they've pointed out the problem could be resolved either by grounding or shielding.
Dont mind me Im really not very familiar with the eletric guitar parts and stuff but I cant really seem to find any info with super strats but instead alot of the examples shown are related to stratos so i was wondering if the info on the web is still applicable to my ibanez?
thanks for the time and the patience