Compilation Album


New member
Hi Guys.

I'm a student at NTU Communication Studies.
And I have an idea that I though would be quite cool to carry to fruition.

I wish to produce a Compilation Album for bands/singers from government tertiary institutions in Singapore. Not to be elitist or whatever, but just want to start with a smaller scope first if not managing will be such a big headache.

So I want to have a gauge of how many of you guys out there would be interested to come together to participate in this project to come up with a compilation album. The pre-requisites, no covers, only original music/songs, and of course your band/singers must be from either NTU, NUS or SMU.

Basically, this is how it generally works. The bands pay for the recording of their own songs. (ie, studio time, programming fees, mixing & mastering fees) plus a small admin fee for CD duplication and album cover design. Each band will have to sell a few hundred CDs depending on how many songs there are in each CD at a fixed price. So whatever you sell, you earn, AND you get to have a professional mastered CD containing your band's music.

Pls let me know your thoughts and comments here. It would be great fun if this works out! :)
