Compact + Light = Huge Tone


New member
This thread is to showcase all the tiniest pedal you can find in the world that gives you a huge tone.

Sick of those heavy pedal boards due to oversized or heavy-weight-champion pedals?

Let's share with one another your secret; small, light yet gives-a-good-sound pedal.

I'll start the ball rolling!

Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret (TYMC)


EVH Phase 90 (SweeLee)


Korg Pitchblack Tuner (CityMusic; not tone but good compact sized tuner pedal)


PS: I've included the shop names just incase someone wishes to know where they can try or purchase them.

heh, wouldnt this thread be more useful(other than ending up as many other threads in other forums which is nothng but picture galore of sound device, irony aint it, pictures, of sound device..) if theres any clips of those pedals to go with it and able to let those interested, to know what is the huge tone about.

we play guitar, we love pedals that give us huge tone, but we only have picture to show or soundclips played by others whom we dont even know. Strange isnt it...
^ + 1340739216509635086501465014751

unfortunately i think i fall into that category.


Nevertheless, you have to admit Sean's pedals do sound pretty good. So at least he's not all BS.

The catalinbread could be the only thing that I would trade my OCD for. My OCD's been with me for the past 2 years, love it to death.