CIJ Fender P-bass identification


New member
Does anybody know how I can identify the build of a Fender CIJ P-Bass, as in which model it is from its serial number? I bought my bass 2nd hand, unfortunately I am unable to tell what model it is.

Also, if I were to change pickguard, does all P-bass pickguards fit all P-basses? Does the width of the neck matters?
if im not wrong its on the crafted in japan red color tag or its atur fret boar bhind nearest to body if i not wrong la hv to go hm n check but imsure the tag puts teh model number.. cos i saw it quite recent..
Does anybody know how I can identify the build of a Fender CIJ P-Bass, as in which model it is from its serial number? I bought my bass 2nd hand, unfortunately I am unable to tell what model it is.

Also, if I were to change pickguard, does all P-bass pickguards fit all P-basses? Does the width of the neck matters?

Looking at the guitar we might be able to tell which model like PB62. If we are able to look inside then can tell more like - 58US etc. So the full model will look something like this . PB62-58US. This mean 62 P Bass reissue with US vintage pickup. The alternative will be to check up on Japanese Fender book. The other alternative will be to compare with my collections.
So show some pictures, maybe we can help.