chorus inquiry


New member
HI all,

I have read a lot of good reviews for the EBS uni-chorus and the BOSS CE-2B chorus,.

can you help share your take on this two? i dunnu which chorus pedal to get,..

any feedback and suggestions is very much appreciated.

Nope the CE-2B is discontinued. The current production model is the CEB-3.

Really depends on what you want from the pedal. I've got both. My preference is the Unichorus because I feel it's got a fuller sounding chorus. It's also more versatile. The CE-2B was a bit subtle for my liking. Not a bad pedal though.
cheyen, i never tried the ebs one, but i do have the ce-2b, and i really like how transparent it is..sounds great imo..

shinobi bro, its no longer in production..but i got mine from sweelee bras bash a month or 2 ago..i think there is still 1 or 2 units it for 90 bucks..

hope this helps..:mrgreen:
thanks to all who replied!

I heared that sweelee is still selling the ce-2b,...
im starting to like effects and thinking of getting a bass chorus and a filter.
just not sure on which brand to take,...

i currently only have a hartke bass attack,....

please kindly help advise,..

I'd suggest the Micro Pog as an Octaver. Tried one at Ebenex when it first came out and was very impressed by it. It was on my GAS list for the longest time until I got the Octron 2.
thanks 5stringwonder!!

im actually looking for the following:

-octaver (do i still need this since i have the hartke bass attack)?

i have an active ibanez 5 string and a bass atack,...

please help advise on the best pedals or add any :-)
what's you budget like for each? there a plenty of choices depending on your budget.

Isn't the Bass Attack a preamp/DI? It won't do the same job as an Octaver.
Hi 5stringwonder,

Thanks for the prompt response!

i was originally eyeing for the gt10b by boss,.. i was quoted $900++ at sweelee after discount but my guitarist told me to get individual pedal instead as there are so much effect on the gt10b that i would never use,.. (useless,..or would very seldom use)

so i guess my budget would be also around that,..900 for the chorus, filter and maybe an octave pedal,...

we are a three piece band,....drummer,guitar and a bassist, im looking for something that would help fill some parts, make the song more "fuller"
$900 is a pretty good budget for three pedals.

My suggestions would be :

Chorus : EBS Unichorus (about $300)

Filter : Boomstick Bottom Feeder ($240)

Octaver : EHX Micro POG ($300+)

If you can stretch a bit more I would suggest the Analogman Chorus and the Robot Factory Meatwad or Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk for the Filter

I dont mind spending a bit more if the quality is really good,...
I prefer saving and waiting and buy the best thing than getting the not so good ones and later on get the better one,...

any idea where i can try and get the analog man and Robot Factory Meatwad or Chunk Systems?

you have been very helpful,...thanks a ton!
The Analogman Chorus you can get direct from his website. There's a local dealer (think it's TYMC) but with the declining US$ it may be cheaper to buy direct.
Analog Man - Superior Guitar Effect Pedals!

The Robot Factory Meatwad is a Lovetone Meatball clone. It's the one that I'm looking at. He's a small builder so he sells direct through his MySpace website or through eBay. - Robot Factory Pedal Co. - omaha, Nebraska -

Chunk Systems also makes a very good envelope filter. The local dealer is Ebenex but I'm not sure if they bring in the pedal. I got mine used off the Talkbass classifieds.

I would suggest buying used pedals coz they are generally cheaper and you won't lose as much, if any, if it turns out that you don't like the pedal and want to sell it off. Look through the SOFT classified. Occasionally they are some interesting buys. Most of the time I get my stuff either on eBay or through the Talkbass classifieds. You might want to take a look there.
i havent owned many choruses. all i've ever used were the ehx stuff. i thought the small clone was a pretty neat chorus that more or less met my needs. used to have the clone theory for a very short while but i couldnt get over the noise, and you cant beat the simplicity of the clone.

i'm using a stereo electric mistress now for my freaky needs, but i think its not really comparable. its main strength is in being able to run the chorus and flanger in parallel, and i've found great use for the filter matrix mode
Thanks for the suggestions!!

you have been most helpful,...
i will check with ebenex if they bring the pedal,.
