Chinese Song : Pls help me rate my vocal

ok if i were to praise u, u wun improve. so be ready to accept my serious opinions.. if u dun wish 2 accept my opinions, juz treat it as some lousy reply..


- i didnt hear u singing off tune, at least no obvious off tune.


- this song is for yanzi n i guess this is still in her key.. u cant possible sing in this key because it is either too low or too high if u were to try.. didnt u realise the starting part u cant hit the low note? unless u are andy lau or fei xiang, they are some of few i can hear nice low note when they sing low. u need to transpose to a higher key man! it'll be nice if u can sing in A key or something like that.. or simply try singing a male song next time..

- u need to do some work out with the metronome man.. ur tempo sense is running about.. u tempt to sing earlier den e beat.. i noe this song because my vocalist is a female and we covers some sun yanzi too.. there is this 6/8 tempo u really need to observe how yanzi sings it..

- breathing at wrong places, everywhere.

- yes i did say u didnt sing off tune but erm.. ur note does float ard.. check on that..

- use more force when u reach the peak of the song. realease it out.. dont sound so moodless.. there is no feeling when you sing it.. enjoy singing.. dun stress so much about singing perfect.. no 1 can be perfect man.. if u enjoy n get urself into the meaning of the song, you definately can sing out wad e song is trying to express..

hope i did help u abit..
still you can choose to ignore wad i've said..
juz my 5cents
