Checking neck/action/intonation


New member
Hi all,

I've been lurking around this forum for a while...used to play bass with a couple of bands at university about 10 yrs ago, was ok, haven't played for years, am now hopeless. Lately have time on my hands, been teaching myself some theory and scouring Singapore/Internet for an Aria bass from the 80s (used to play my flatmates', better the devil you know, etc).

Anyway..I managed to find an 82 Aria Pro II SB in Japan, it is currently being shipped down. The guy I bought it from says it's in excellent nick (have seen some positive looking photos), and also that the neck/strings are (machine translated) "probably best for the present condition".

Which brings me to the point of my post...anyone can give me some advice on who around Singapore would be willing to look at it and let me know how well it's set up? I can take a pretty good guess...but the opinion of an (honest) person in the know would be interesting. I'm a bit intimidated as I've met some real cowboys lately while looking around for an instrument (I'm not local).

Bring it down to Guitar77 and look for Beez :) And if you want top-notch setups, go to Malcolm Tan.