Cause We Ended As Lovers......A Jeff Beck Cover

Hey Kader, awwwsome stuff. I just felt compelled to comment.

Well, that's the culmination of talent plus 25 years of axe-slinging experience!
Phil....thanks for checking it out man......kind words by you too... Thank you..

A point to ponder is not the number of years but the number of hours one puts to practice that he/she gets forward. :wink:
wise words.... coming forth from my mentor.... dey!!! u give orgasm class with ur music ah... i bet all the females will come to u... shit balls.. ur playing makes one feel "high"... muahaha!but nonetheless, this is wat i mean all the time when i say u song got feel man, a certain level of emotion being brought it sad, or sexual!!!! hehehehhe.. ok ok kidding but serious bout the feel part.
Good and interesting to see folks into Jeff Beck - one of the unsung heroes of guitaring. Good stuff. Not Great. Then again, you'd have serious problems if you did a Jeff Beck song perfectly - he's in his own world, mostly. And that's why he's such a cool guitarist.

Your tone's nice but it seems to need more phat on some notes. Good feel all round. Cool effort and hope to hear more from you.


zero9er its a good one i enjoyed it while feeding my daughter rofl only comment is after few verse u did put some "attack" onto it id suggest if u input more attacks then slowly back to slow mood again that would be superb :)