Casino Royale- finally a tasteful Bond movie...?

lilrampage said:
he doesnt do justice to the bond name at all.

For the longest time I can remember, this show is gambling gambling and more gambling. Since when James Bond venture into God of Gamblers? Running out of ideas so borrow a little theme from Hong Kong perhaps. :lol:
it was bloody boring to me... :evil: all my peeps agreed it was money wasted... no powerful weapons... nothing spectacular. boring... just to watch the history of bond... for hardcore fans only imo. or if you're mature enough to watch arty farty films.
the film is based on the very first book about james bond if im not mistaken...perhaps the writer still noob and got influenced by chow yun fat,haha
i prefer the latest bond technology,eventhough craig is not as bond as brosnan...
the gadget in the previous bond movie ,like die another day, is getting more n more like spy kids imo...
i dont mind high tech stuff,but it would be great if they keep it real...just my 2%
pinkfloydrose said:
Austin Powers pawns James Bond!!! :D

yeah baby yeah :)

Sean Connery was the cool 007 n lots of chicks. Roger Moore was all gadgets and lots of chicks. Brosnan was smooth and lots of chicks.

2006? not my fav Bond but still lots of chicks....
i think the previous bonds were better. Come on i mean isnt James Bond the man with all the women to sleep around with, all the excitement of being a spy? Or all the sexy cars to fool around in? I think Connery did the best job of all he had that womanizer effect, with a serious face sorta thing. 2nd in line would be Moore.
the girl in CR ain't as nice as the previous ones.
i liked the part part in the movie where james was made to sit on the chair and had his balls/ass whipped. darn funny
damn it..dun compare Austin Powers with james bond...

Austin Powers has the mojo....


damn..i'd go austin power's anytime!!
I've not watched the show yet but some of my friends love it and some totally hate it.

First impression... this bond ah.... macam some plumber angmoh ah beng... not suave, not handsome not sleek.