can we make a living from music in singapore?


New member
hey guys. im taking the 'o's this year. So this is the stage where i would have to make a decision.

so here's the problem,
i've got passion for music. so naturally, after post secondary education, i would be interested to take the course music and audio tech offered by singapore poly. but what can this course offer me?

for example, lots of people say you can make a living out of music alone, especially in singapore. furthermore, no local universities offer degrees for music. So even after i graduated from this course, where can i work at?

Share your thoughts and advice guys. Thanks!
You remind me of myself 3 years ago, didn't like other stuffs except music, so I got myself into Sonic Arts course in RP and gained some insights.

Basically, what these "music" course encompasses would be studio techniques, use of DAW software, live sound setup, music composition etc. and some other nonsense-like but somehow relevant creative experimental stuffs.

From what I see, you can't make a living alone if you only know how to play instrument unless you're really that good. But you can make a living from music by being a sound person like a sound engineer, record producer etc. You certainly don't need to have a Uni music degree, because in this industry its all about portfolios.
Same prob here man. I also taking 'o' this year.

Decide for yourself lah, cos honestly everything can make money one, if you zai enough. Think hard if you want a job you wouldn't like so much but steady pay, or a job you love ALOT but hard to make ends meet.

And ya its all about your portfolio.

btw, AHHH 1.5 MONTHS LEFT!!!
i think ...

you wont die from starvation if you really work hard
you wont be rich unless you are super good and super lucky
Yes it is possible to make a living from it provided you keep in mind a few things!

1) Revenue is sporadic. Finances and payment come in clumps and not constant salaries (Unless you work for a club circuit show).
2) Create multiple streams of income. So don't just bank on payment for your performance alone. Rely also on merchandise and album sales (Both locally AND foreign).
3) You won't be rich but you can certainly survive modestly. At least you'll be doing what you love.

But making ends meet as a musician is loads of hard work with very little immediately returns. As AC/DC says it, it's a long way to the top if you want to rock n' roll!!!

My advice to u is... what ever ur passion is, u still need the paper to survive in Singapore. This is not like other countries where u dun need paper qualifications. I mean, u can still pursue ur passion, ur interest, but at the end of the day if that fails u to earn a decent meal on the table, u will still have ur papers to fall back on.

Sad but true..

My 2.5cents worth.
Hmm... So you are interested in Music, but the question is which aspect of music do you want to get into for your future career?

Cause under music alone you can go into teaching, composing, conducting, performing, recording (sessionist) or even be behind the technology in music, eg. sound engineer or instrument / music software maker.

So picture yourself in which category of music do you fit into first before deciding on what to do in your later tertiary education. Even though local Unis don't offer a specialist Music course, the closest thing would be NTU's Arts, Design & Media course. However if you have a solid theoritical background in Music, you can even take it as one of your O Level subject too.
My advice to u is... what ever ur passion is, u still need the paper to survive in Singapore. This is not like other countries where u dun need paper qualifications. I mean, u can still pursue ur passion, ur interest, but at the end of the day if that fails u to earn a decent meal on the table, u will still have ur papers to fall back on.

Sad but true..

My 2.5cents worth.

I agree with this statement. "The Paper" is the important thing in Singapore. I'm also contemplating whether to pursue my interest in music or pursue my "paper" in engineering.
do whatever you want with your life.
we dont know if we get reincarnated or something after that.
if pursuing music is what you really want to do, go ahead.
but at least get a diploma or something, so you have something to fall back on.

good luck =D
I feel that in the arts-related industry, paper qualifications are not important at all. What matters is your portfolio (containing your past artworks, songs, achievements etc.). if you wish to be an artist or rock musician, you really dont need an university degree!

If you have a second interest besides music, say for example, economics, I will advice you to study Economics in University and take music as your hobby. So while you're studying economics, you can read up on music, write songs, jam with your band, talk to experts, etc...

This way, you have a paper qualification which can guarantee you a decent job if your plan to enter music industry fails.

That's what I've in mind. :cool:
get a basic degree to fall back on, that way you know you wont end up on the streets. unless you want to, then thats a different story
My advice to u is... what ever ur passion is, u still need the paper to survive in Singapore. This is not like other countries where u dun need paper qualifications. I mean, u can still pursue ur passion, ur interest, but at the end of the day if that fails u to earn a decent meal on the table, u will still have ur papers to fall back on.

Sad but true..

My 2.5cents worth.

My personal opinion (not taking anything away from gothviruz's stance of course. His point is very valid and respectable point as well) is to weigh it out. Don't limit your passions to just Singapore alone because if you do, you are selling yourself short.

What type of life do you want to lead? If you are passionate for something, and you know with your heart mind and soul that this IS what you want to do, DO IT. And keep DOING IT and don't give in.

Having to 'rely on paper qualifications' is a VERY Singaporean mindset, and it is precisely why local bands do not go as far as they DESERVE to. It's because as they pursue their passions, at the back of their minds there is always that "I'd better be a practical Singaporean' mentality. There fear of being branded in our society as a 'failure'. I just have one thing to say to that; lovelovelovelove it!

The greatest inventors, the greatest revolutions, the greatest artists, the greatest poets, the greatest scientists, the greatest musicians, ALL suffered for their art, science and passions. ALL of them. Thomas Edison failed at creating the light bulb 10,000 times before hitting the nail on the head. Heath Ledger locked himself up in a room for a full month with no human contact to perfect his Joker role. Einstein was seen as a lunatic in school. Michael Phelps trained years and years and years to become the world's best swimmer. There are countless more examples. Creative Technology's founder is a Singaporean, yet he went overseas to make a name for himself, even when there was no recognition here initially. The vendor that supplies curry puffs and paos to your local coffee shops is a MILLIONAIRE. There are countless, countless more cases.

So how are you, being a Singaporean, ANY DIFFERENT from being one of them?

YOU are NOT defined by your geography. You are defined by your passions.
YOU are NOT defined by your society. You are defined by your individualism.
YOU are NOT defined by your failures if you are able to define yourself with your successes
And most of all
YOU are NOT defined by your paper but by the number of people you inspire and influence in your life.

It is all about that vision you hold onto. Life is much, much, MUCH more than about paper qualifications. It is about the richness of the experience of living life without 'what ifs' and 'what could have been'.

And what better way to fill your life with richness than to pursue your passion? Endure the heartache, endure the temporary difficulties, and I assure you, with sacrifice comes big rewards. Only those who stand fast in their beliefs will stand strong, and only those who stand strong DESERVE the rewards.

At the end of the day, a paper is a paper. There are tons of people who have gone on to become millionaires, or at the very least, earn a decent living, without paper qualifications. And there are tons of so-called graduates who cling onto that paper tightly while they work for people without qualifications.

Do you want to be a person that could have been?
Or the person who became what he wanted to be?

It's really your decision

But at the end of the day, as I always say, you're a short time living, and a long time dead So make full use of the opportunities you have, and if there aren't any, CREATE THEM for yourself. It is possible, if you look, slave, strive, struggle, and sweat for your art and your cause.

Nil Sine Labore
That's Latin (and Victorian!) for 'Nothing Without Labour'


P.S. On a small personal note, I studied in Victoria School, scored 6 points, went to Temasek Polytechnic, scored the Top 5 percent in grades, and somehow turned down the opportunity to study in a University overseas to be in a band. I am also going to quit my job at LIME to pursue music again overseas. I will be poor, I will probably sleep in a bloody van, but that's alright. I'm not saying this to 'show off'. I'm just trying to tell you, my SOFTie friend, that YOU are probably much much more capable than I am at finding your own path (Given that I have the guitaring skills of a duck with webbed fingers, er...feet?). Have faith and work damn bloody hard. Good luck! Don't give up.

P.P.S. Another naggy motherly long-winded post from me. Eeeks!!(Slaps myself with a fish!)

<////\\---< FISH!
<////\\---< FISH!
<////\\---< FISH!
<////\\---< FISH!
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that sounds like dirty talk to me van halen :P
Especially the perking up part.
What kind of friend do you want to be? haha joking.