Can i call this a Y cable??


New member
hello good people..

I want to connect 2 onespot daisy chain 9v output to make it 18v..

To give my crunchbox more head room..

Anyone has any idea where i can find sort of a Y cable or what u call it?
hello good people..

I want to connect 2 onespot daisy chain 9v output to make it 18v..

To give my crunchbox more head room..

Anyone has any idea where i can find sort of a Y cable or what u call it?

This cannot be done with the 1Spot because the outputs are not isolated. You will need an isolated PSU like the FT JR, PP2+ or Supa-charger to do so. 2 1Spots would work as well. You could DIY such a cable, check the Fulltone site for instructions.
You need two seperate 9V sources to combine or you'll just get back 9V.

Anyway, not all circuits work well with 18V.
Not talking about tone, noise is usually the issue.
ah i see, my bad.. i fail terribly as a mechatronics student.. ok i guess then, i'll stick with 9v..
WTF is with this thread.

I want to connect TWO ONESPOT daisy chain 9v output to make it 18v..

This cannot be done with the 1Spot because the outputs are not isolated. You will need an isolated PSU like the FT JR, PP2+ or Supa-charger to do so. TWO ONESPOTS would work

Are you guys even reading each other's posts. You two just agreed with each other.

You need TWO SEPERATE 9V sources

Another agreement.

And now you decide to stick to 9V? So weird.

Connect the TWO 1Spots (as you had originally, correctly thought of), in series, and you have 18V. That's

[effect +ve] > [1spot(a) +ve]
[1spot(a) -ve] > [1spot(b) +ve]
[1spot(b) -ve] > [effect -ve]

_ +9V
_ +9V

9V + 9V = 18V
Your mechatronics theory is correct.

Now, finding such a Y-cable is not that easy. I've looked before in the past. You could make one yourself though.
Just to clarify, i wasn't talking about two 1-spot adaptors.. im talking about linking two 1-spot daisy chains out of the 5, to make it 18V..

Visual sound had answered this question in the FAQ section, if only i had went there earlier..

Can I "Y" connect 2 of the daisy chain power plugs on the 1 Spot to deliver 18V to a pedal?

There is no way to get 18V from a single 9V adapter... not even the Godlyke one or the 1 SPOT. Think of it this way... adapters are really like batteries in that they output DC voltage via a positive wire and a negative wire. With batteries, the voltage increases when you run them in series (i.e. When you line up 2 C size batteries in a flashlight, each battery is 1.5V, but when combined it's 3V). This is because you are running them end to end, negative to positive. You can't do that with an adapter. You would need two adapters, taking the negative wire from one and the positive wire from the other, tie them together, then take the other wires (positive and negative) and connect them to whatever you want to power.

The point of this is that you need *separate* 9V power sources to combine together to make 18V. Two separate plugs on a daisy-chain cable is not two separate power sources because they're both coming off the same wires. Now, you could get two 1 SPOT's and create a Y cable to join them together and make 18V, but that's a lot of trouble and expense to go through when you can just get an 18V wall-wart adapter from Dunlop (or others) to do the same job. Lastly, IMHO, overdrive pedals sound brittle (overly bright) when powered with 18V, *and* you're pushing the maximum voltage rating of the op-amps so the lifespan of your pedal may be very reduced.

so actually we read correctly.. juz that maybe i didn't phrase it correctly & u misunderstood.. ;)
Just to clarify, i wasn't talking about two 1-spot adaptors.. im talking about linking two 1-spot daisy chains out of the 5, to make it 18V..

Visual sound had answered this question in the FAQ section, if only i had went there earlier..

so actually we read correctly.. juz that maybe i didn't phrase it correctly & u misunderstood.. ;)

Ok what you can use is a charge pump:

There are some commercially made ones like the godlyke one as someone mentioned:

or AMZ's:
if can get the godlyke one, it will make things easier

if wanna diy, look for max1044 ic, it will do the voltage doubling as well. Locally not sure if can find it easily. The last time i went around looking for it(bout 1 year plus back), there werent any shops that i went to, at SL tower selling the thing.

A check over at RS or farnell only stock up the smt one, not the dip one. So in the end, had to get it from one of bro bros round here who do pedals stuff(gotten it online) to do the 18v circuit thingy.

some info here, the 18v circuit which i did for testing also from below.
thanks seekz in advance.ahaha.
ill head over to coronation plaza or do
i just place orders through PM?