Calling out to Musicans to Sound Out Against Sex Trafficking, CD Compilation


New member
Let you music be heard! Calling for bands, artists and musicians to create and donate original tracks to the Sound Out Against Sex Trafficking cause. Do something great while having the chance to be voted onto the Sound Out Against Sex Trafficking compilation CD.

We are looking for bands / musicians to contribute original tracks to the campaign to help ‘Sound Out’ against sex trafficking. The songs or musical pieces should either incorporate the bell – a symbol of the campaign, as an audio element, or contain lyrics reflecting the issue of sex trafficking and the ideas of liberation and emancipation from sex trafficking. The tracks can be in any genre and we welcome songs in English and other languages.

Let me know what you guys think! We have a couple of tracks up on

We're on Facebook as well:
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Musicians are welcome to donate existing songs that's related to the cause. :D Treat it as a platform to showcase your music too! Interested parties, feel free to PM me!

It's for a good cause! Spread the words guys! Thank you!
Hi Kaye, when is this due? Do send me the details, I will help promote it through SOFT for you.
Good morning!!

AEnmic: Yeah sure! :)

soft: Hi James, I'll drop you the details through PM, will that be okay?

fgl: :D Will be dropping you an e-mail soon!
We have got really talented musicians on our site! Like Startfish Stories:: The Band, Jeremy Soh and Shorthand Phonetics.

:) Lunarin and Caracal has Sounded Out!

Do check out their contribution at

Feel free to "like" any of the tracks on the website!

Spread the words guys!
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are indonesian band can join this compilation ?
just let me know.. im interested with this event..

best regards
Thank you for initiating something like this to bring about awareness of the problem. One of the facets of my work involves helping sex workers re-vocationalize and to prevent human trafficking and promote safe migration across 4 different countries in the Mekong area with porous borders. It is a really difficult problem to tackle. Many of the sad stories are not heard.