Calling everyone who is or got into SP

1. ceing - Chong Ee 81009615
2. ruixist - amelia 96324573
3. wayne1991 - 92202416
4. jeremyrozario - jeremy 94779352
5. Monkey Invasion - Andy 92384280
6. sleepykitty - Kamal 96417789
7. JaarVis. - Jaarvis 91doublefour3doubleeight4
8. Pravin - 98973764
9.HIMYNAMEISARTHUR - Arthur 93371978
10. Haziq- Haziq 91123680
11. emochick - Carmen 81723762
12. Zax - 98311821
13. Aaron - 97893922
14. Harrybro - 97277177
15. Janvin - JANVIN 92987135
16. Steel - Fikri 96246219
17. peah000 - helmi 81639655

so who's gonna do the calling? lol.
haha. we should prolly break the list up into groups and so let a few ppl call each group.
one poor soul cant possibly call all right. haha. jus a suggestion.

anyway bout the metal band.
im not realli into metalcore .
maybe Old school + death/black or melodic death or symphonic death metal.
great influences are Children Of Bodom and Arch Enemy.
Carcass , Sentenced , Cradle of Filth and a few more.
yeaaa. jus inform me if ur interested. oh. im a guitarist btw.

peace !
Hey! I enrolled in 96!!!!:mrgreen:

sorry man , current students only , how bout lunch on friday the 18th at macs or something at 12ish ( thats like everyones break time right?) . put a list to confirm your coming of suggest a change in date and time or anything like that . SO start the list
Hey zax,

DMR but but once school start year 2. And if friday u eana meet at 4pm its gona be crazy for me Cos i end at 12 .LOL who's gona do the calling anyway?Or is a MASS conversation on msn easier to decide is everyone free?

lol. wednesday lar.
confem everyone free on wed right?
class usually finish early.

im saying this cos my damn class ends late on friday. LOL!
either wednesday , like after 3 for me or friday after 4 . the time tables are up , go check people!
either wednesday , like after 3 for me or friday after 4 . the time tables are up , go check people!

wa serious ah? hahaha. k i shall go check now. WHOOT.

edit: um, i don't know how to check for timetable!
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why now we have like a leader for each school (eg CLS, EEE, MM). then the leaders will contact the other SP softies in their own school. Then we report back on whos coming and whos not here asap. can? then we just list down the leaders name la. haha

CLS- Haziq, 91123680