Calling all sec 1 people who are promoting to sec 2 next year!!!!

The new bunch of kids are wusses. Which would translate as the next gen SAF soldiers being complete idiots.

Drop 50 and they complain? I've dropped 50 in Boy's Brigade at one sitting. And we were considered quite nice as compared to the NCCs
As an ex-BMTC instructor, you are right. NSFs are generally getting weaker and more keng-savvy. But you must understand the new lifestyle of our youth. They learn things faster and stuff. Maybe it goes well with the whole 3G soldier thing. As a commander there is tonnes of things that cannot be done to recruits. It's basically a chalet. But NS is still shit, don't get me wrong. And you kids will be wishing that 200 push ups will be your punishment. Push ups are really the best punishment in NS. Get stronger, why not? And how many of that 200 is done standard? I'm guessing just a small amount. Kids will be kids!
Seriously, in my cca, the new juniors that come in are mega weak. and pain tolerance = 0.

One guy refused to do an obstacle course. His excuse? (in his wonderful command of the language) "my mother scold me if my shirt got mud"

Until a friend of mine even OFFERED to wash his shirt for him, he still refused to do it. Last resort was to punish his whole platoon because one of the core values of my CCA is "one for all, all for one"

or even while playing soccer with them. We try to give them games at the end of a training..

Some jokers will shout "EFF EUU" super loudly at the seniors if they get tackled. like man. its alright if you lose the ball, it means the other player is more skillful than you are. seriously..

geez. they act like they own the world.

That's what I have been saying about your batch and that's what my seniors say about me.
Push ups are really the best punishment in NS.

Lol, not really. In a combat unit, perhaps yes. For me, I'm a HQ CQMS in Hendon, so I always need my men to be ever-ready in case of real emergencies.
Problem is, my QM branch lacks basic discipline, and all my storemen all have excuses for not doing push-ups. So I resort by using.. hmm.
Okay, a bit gay perhaps, but if they don't follow my orders, I grab their nipples and twist it until it hurts. The redder after that, the better. Its a bit obscene, but hey. We're all guys. And it works on my men. After that, when I tell them to do stuff, they would do it more willingly/grundgingly

If that doesn't work, I usually recommend Extras (in multiples of 7), Staff Parades (In multiples of 7 as well), if not, 6-6-10s (Be at flag raising to salute the flag, be at flag lowering to salute the flag, and staff parade to salute the DO)

Still, it'll be easier if I could just knock them down. Gives me less headaches as well
Yeah in my CCA, we were the first batch. No seniors, just officers and cadet officers from outside. Kena 50, complain abit. By the time i became the SM, the juniors kena 10 complain like hell already.

Oh wells, we can only say bad things about our junior, just our seniors talked about us and the juniors talk about their own juniors.
^ i have to agree to that though. PT seems like the time to get their heads together. and set the idea right.
^ i have to agree to that though. PT seems like the time to get their heads together. and set the idea right.

Especially when you're way fitter than them lol.
"Do what I do!" then pump 100, run 6 rounds and finish off by vaulting over the 2 metre wall :D
My classmates and i can barely do 3 inclined pull ups. The napfa's requirement to pass inclined pull ups used to be 1. Then after they increased it to 3, a lot more people in my school failed napfa cause the inclined pull ups, well... Pull them down. Pardon the pun :\
inclined? or do you mean chin ups?
anyway the jump from incline to chin up too much la.. its like i can do 40 incline but only 4 chinups. and it doesnt help when the lovelovelovelovelove instructor says NOT COUNTED
for inclined, you're lifting up less then half your body weight, and you cn proably just use arm power to pass through it.
For chin-ups, you have to use a lot of other muscles. More commonly, the chest muscles, the back, lats, and the biceps/triceps. A lot of people tend to use forearm, which would drag them down like crazy

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