Calling all bands who want to gig look here!


Hi fellow softies.

Music Junkie Productions presents THE AWAKENINGS.

There are no more slots left. Please like our facebook page for updates on the next gig. We are planning one on to be held in august! Thanks!

VENUE: Green Room @ Fort Canning Park

DATE: 30th JULY 2011 , Saturday

TIME: 2.30pm - 9pm


First band starts at 2.30pm.


Each band needs to sell 12 tickets. Each ticket costs $10.

Bands who sell more than 12 tickets get commission of $3 for every extra ticket sold.
(E.g. BAND XXX sells 14 tickets - the band will get $6 commission)

Justification: For example your band has 4 members. Each member only needs to bring 3 friends. How difficult is that?



1) Band Screw Looose (Representative: Tariq , 2.30 PM - 3.00 PM)
2) Band Atlas (Representative: Taufiq , 3.00 PM - 3.30 PM)
3 Band Heaven Brought Me Hell (Representative: Hairee , 3.30 PM - 4.00 PM)
4) Band Crash The Rockets (Representative: Syafiq, 4.00 PM - 4.30 PM)
5) Band Bloodline (Representative Ridwann, 4.30 PM - 5.00 PM)
6) Band Cosmosis (Representative: Jay, 5.00 PM - 5.30 PM)
7) Band Lucid Dreams (Representative: Wannor, 5.30 PM - 6.00 PM)
8) Band Axagon (Representative: Iszzuan , 6.00 PM - 6.30 PM)
9) Band Drop The Anlace (Representative: Siti Hariati , 6.30 PM - 7.00 PM)
10) Band Above The Depth (Representative: Joshua, 7.00 PM - 7.30 PM)
11) Band Heil (Representative: Asyraf , 7.30 PM - 8.00 PMpm slot)
12) Band Melting Ice (Representative: Zack, 8.00 PM - 8.30 PM)
13) Band Dirty Leather (Representative: Cedric, 8.30 PM - 9.00 PM)

Music Junkie Productions organizes events/gigs in Singapore with the sole purpose of promoting the music of local aspiring musicians of all ages.

DISCLAIMER: We are not a rip-off gig organizer. We truly want to support local music be it a newly formed band or a band that's been together for 2 years. However, we depend on the tickets to fund for this event.


Interested bands/supporters for this event, please contact BRENDON at 9067 9019 !
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Hi . Thanks for your feedback. However, comparing the sales of 12 tickets and that of 20 tickets, wouldn't it be easier to sell just 12 tickets? Besides it's only an increment of $4 from $6. It's NOT easy to sell 20 tickets.

Just to let bands know, for every extra ticket you sell you get $3 commission.

E.g. BAND ABC sells 15 tickets , BAND ABC gets $9 comission.
yea i know man, but spreading local music only happen when there is a big number of crowd.

so as u said u wanna spread/influence local acts, why dont u implement it?
as many Singaporean see, paying 6 to support ur frens and maybe other act its much worth then spending $10.
It's human psychology bro. 1 digits looks and sound better then 2 digits

I've organise gig during the 2009 era and i know how bands feel when tix are expensive for their fans.
We're trying to make it easy for bands. Bands don't even like the idea of selling tickets. So we make a minimum cap of 12 tickets. If they want to bring more friends on the day, their friends can purchase door-sales. I've been in a band and went through the ticket-selling process and I can confidently say it's not easy selling 20 tickets. But anyway, thanks for your feedback. Maybe we'll implement it next event but not for this one.