

New member
are there higher quality and lower quality cables? (those 8mm that join your amp and guitar)
if so whats the diff? sound quality? response time? oxidation?
yes there are differences. yes they sound different. yes good cables last longer. yes there are high end and low end.

some cables arent shielded well and become more like an antenna rather than a cable.
From my experience, noisy = not good. No noise = good. Used to use the 8 bucks cables using a Planet Waves cable.
USUALLY, the plastic moulded el cheapo ones arent too good, arent shielded properly. good ones are stiff, hard to press in. abit hard to describe in words leh.
i using some cables from g77... when od gets at high gain... holy.

ZZEEEZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ouch. i think my grounding will solve my problem..

neutrix cables =X
when it comes to cables, it is really wise to invest in a low-noise product. if budget is your concern, Ibanez Series 96 & Samson cables are recommended.
dud gear bought from any shop would remain as such. please be wary of what you advocate here, some uninformed members would equate shops with dud products.