Hello guys,
I'm looking for someone to shed some light of a small problem that I have. I'm thinking for getting an Alesis Realhead 8" drum pad for my electronic drum kit from Ebay. I could get it here but I'd have to pay close to 200 bucks more thus the Ebay alternative.
Firstly, I've got absolutely no experience with buying from Ebay (some experience buying/selling online but mostly local and at soft.com.sg). I've got Paypal which I have tied to my Credit Card.
Question, so how does the process go? Is there anything that I need to know beforehand. Checked the ad, inclusive of shipping, everything would be $95.90.
Here's the ad : http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/Alesis-R...082?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ebe0d6b42
Would appreciate the help greatly!
Many thanks in advance.
I'm looking for someone to shed some light of a small problem that I have. I'm thinking for getting an Alesis Realhead 8" drum pad for my electronic drum kit from Ebay. I could get it here but I'd have to pay close to 200 bucks more thus the Ebay alternative.
Firstly, I've got absolutely no experience with buying from Ebay (some experience buying/selling online but mostly local and at soft.com.sg). I've got Paypal which I have tied to my Credit Card.
Question, so how does the process go? Is there anything that I need to know beforehand. Checked the ad, inclusive of shipping, everything would be $95.90.
Here's the ad : http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/Alesis-R...082?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ebe0d6b42
Would appreciate the help greatly!
Many thanks in advance.