Buy/sell section- Others(non-music related)


New member
Anyone realise that there are people who sign up for soft just to sell their personal items? And if you look at their previous posts, they're all regarding their personal item sales. Soft is not a classified ads right? It's for sharing and learning from each other. Plus, these posts will add up and disrupt the band width and stuff like that.
i have the same suggestion when i saw some tutor thread in bs section. Ridiculous.

My suggestion is to only allow users which have 100(or maybe 50) posts or more to be able to post in the

others-buy , sell thread.
What should we do?

We could follow TGP's ruling of only having members that are more than 1 mth old to start posting in the Buy/Sell sections.

Also, Buy/Sell posts do not count on TGP, which could possibly act as a warning sign against fly-by-night sellers. Not everyone with a low post count is a bad seller, of course. It's just more likely that someone who only signs up to buy/sell stuff will risk his/her reputation on the forum by playing ppl out, than forumites who've been ard for some time and have contributed to SOFT.
hmm maybe can charge $0.05 - $0.10 for every thread started in BUY/SELL.

haha james in about 20years you can drive ferrari liaoz!