Building your own gears

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Just wondering, if there's gonna be an instituition to be setup here in Singapore, focusing on building guitar gears (DIY guitars, DIY amps, DIY effects), being offered as a short-term course, staying on the track of hobbyists only (not to a professional level), how many of you guitarists will sign up for it? :)

My views is that, though the Internet teaches everything, some experiences and knowledge will still have to be imparted in a classroom style, to speed up the learning. Especially when the teacher is there to inspire you to work harder on the craft. :wink:
interesting. i will be truthful here and, despite dabbling in it, no, i would not be interested in the course, 1) i probably won't be willing to fork out the money 2) i just don't have an affinity for DIY.

The other thing you mention is that it's for hobbyists. I think an important point to note is: would you actually go to the point of teaching concepts behind the DIY pedals/amps so that they can take the knowledge and make new, individualized pedals? It would be easy to just follow schematics, but hard to get anyone to start drawing schematics and experiment :lol:
Thor, thanks for your comments.

Sorry that it didn't sound too specific from the start. But, just as every pioneering course starts from nothing and develops into something to cater for every level of needs, so can this course that i'm talking about. It's up to the design of the courses.

e.g. there'll be pre-requistes (electronics engineering background) for the courses, different levels (intro, advanced, etc).

For a beginner, the newbie will be able to understand how things work, then, if he can move on to a higher level, he'll be able to make things work.

Of course, there are guitarists who simply play the instrument and wouldn't be interested in how things work.

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