Bros, i REALLY need ur help.. about HIV(aids). Please

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Can anyone help me? i want to know if i might be infected with aids.

starts like this:

i have a gay friend, just normal friend only. He used to be together with a guy (who might have aids, its a rumor but lets take it as it is).

So, i went out with my friends for a movie and i shared a drink with this gay guy (same straw).

He has an ulcer in his mouth and i have a cut (about 0.5cm) in my mouth due to a fish bone cut.

IF, he is infected. I think it might have been transmitted to me.. im not too sure...

shld i be worried?

Anyone PLEASE help me put, i'm REALLY worried... please.. thanks. If you dont have any positive feedback please piss off..
bro, i think you shouldn't worry. cos you said he has an ulcer in his mouth, but it doesn't mean there's blood from the ulcer.
Signs and symptoms of AIDS (caused by HIV):

1) Persistent fever

2) severe diarrhoea lasting for months

3) cancer of blood vessels

4) brain infection

5) tuberculosis

If you got HIV now, it will take months or years to develop into AIDS.

Mode of transmission:

1) Sexual intercourse with infected person.

2) Sharing of needles like tattoo, piercing, blood transfusion.

3) pregnancy

AIDS is not spread through toilet sits, door knobs, coughs, swimming pool or mosquitoes.

credits to lam peng kwan. :-D
i think, the hiv virus dies when it comes in contact with air.. but if you're really very worried you can go for an anonymous blood test
first of all your signature already suggests very dodgy stuff about your sexuality.

2ndly : go to kelantan lane, DSC. get yourself checked.

3 : be just like me, a selfish asshole who never shares anything even a drink, except with my wife. for good hygienic reasons.

gd luck
as long as its not open wound to open wound.. it should be safe..
aids bacteria dies once its in the air..

if u are worried about spreading by the contact of the straw, u should be safe..
just like eating at food court, using fork and spoon.

even if u 2 kiss.. the chance of striking the lottery is still low..
highest chance of striking lottery is through sexual intercourse.
next is open wound to open wound..

just relax... but still.. go for a checkup.. good luck!
You wouldnt be infected with aids, not now anyway, just HIV. And if you're worried about being HIV positive, you ask for advice on a music forum?

But since i'm at it... Two solutions to know whether you're infected

1) Ask your gay lovin' friend if he has had intercourse (READ: intercourse) with that supposedly ( You don't even know) infected friend. If yes, you and him both have a very good chance of being HIV positive. BUT..

For both of you to be HIV positive, based on the background information provided, you would really want to check whether the 3rd party ( the guy with 'aids' ), HAS AIDS.

2) If you really want a piece of mind, go get a blood test. ^The above is a cheaper solution, i dont really think you have aids based on such circumstances..

FYI: Two tests would be done, a first to determine whether you are HIV positive now, and a second done after a 3 month window period. This is due to the possibilites of you being infected earlier on under previous circumstances, and being JUST infected, therefore warranting a second test.

3) Whatever happened to the current generation of youths? This is sad, really.
For all the uninformed souls out there, an oral ulcer is an open wound. And the fact that he has an ulcer, COULD BE a sympton of HIV..Ehehe.
Guys, if sharing drinks is a likely source of infection then it would be all over the place with warnings. I have never heard of that before, did you?
lol. but his friend got an ulcer.. and he got a cut...

okay best is to sleep now and wake up tml and have a checkup.
Any doctors in the house?

Seriously, any musicians here that are professional medical/health-care experts?
hey people can you guys stop being such dicks?

our friend here needs serious help because he is in VERY GREAT DANGER of getting aids


if YOU put yourself in HIS shoes, maybe you will understand what he is going through.

cant you see that getting HIV is a very personal matter that he might not want to disclose to people he actually know and that is why he has turned to us?

HE COMES TO US FOR HELP AND WHAT DO YOU GUYS DO??!!?!?! MAKE FUN OF HIM?!!?!?! seriously you guys need to reflect on what you have done!

nicholism i suggest you go for a full checkup at the nearest hospital as soon as possible. This is no laughing matter. Hiv is seriously a big disease that should not be treated lightly. NOW!! DON WASTE ANYMORE TIME!! NOWW

we will support you always in our hearts.
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