Bridge vs Terry



it's all over- the pics of terry & bridge not shaking hands. don't know if bridge meant it to be intentional since we know too well of the media's presence. regardless of the personal bouts, what are the implications on the younger viewers? hey, it's ok to get personal when the whole world is watching...?
don't think people actually notice them not shaking hands.

anyway eric cantona kicked a fan years ago, certainly a bad example but people looked up to him. somehow when you are a mega star, people overlook your mistakes.
don't think people actually notice them not shaking hands.

Are you sure I was following the BBC live text (no cable) and that was the ONLY thing they were talking in the 5 minutes leading up to that. I'm guessing it's happened before just without the media circus following it like this.

Read somewhere that a bookmaker was giving odds of 50-1 that they both get sent off for fighting. I mean C'MON!...
cantona flying-kicked that fan due sheer provocation. between bridge & terry, it's an off-pitch hostility manifesting in a different turf.
He has a cool tatoo.Well the media is actually destroying the beautiful game with all their nonsense.Let the both of them settle it themselves.
It's easy to say that Bridge should have been the bigger man and shook Terry's hand. But honestly, there is no way I can shake the hands of some guy who slept with my wife. Not only that, an ex-colleague who you met everyday, who you played side by side with, who you trusted.

There's just no way man.
It's easy to say that Bridge should have been the bigger man and shook Terry's hand. But honestly, there is no way I can shake the hands of some guy who slept with my wife. Not only that, an ex-colleague who you met everyday, who you played side by side with, who you trusted.

There's just no way man.

correction:: girlfriend :p
Girlfriend, wife, whore, whatever. The bottom line is that JT screwed up super badly and thus Bridge is pissed at him. Whether it shld have been carried onto the soccer pitch is another thing altogether, but the media really is a destabilising presence in these issues. I jus wonder how this is all going to pan out.
Girlfriend, wife, whore, whatever. The bottom line is that JT screwed up super badly and thus Bridge is pissed at him. Whether it shld have been carried onto the soccer pitch is another thing altogether, but the media really is a destabilising presence in these issues. I jus wonder how this is all going to pan out.

It'll probably pan out when there's something juicier. That's how the media works. :D
Maybe it should have been left off the pitch. But hey, I salute Bridge for not accepting Terry's handshake because he doesn't deserve it. He slept with the guy's girlfriend, are any of you really that forgiving?
when jt slept with Vanessa Perroncel, who btw was only a girlfriend, she and wayne bridge were already not together. there's so much media bias going on and people are just taking in everything that the tabloids have been writing.

wayne has obviously been over reading 'the bro code'

though, i wouldnt defend JT for betraying his wife..

... But hey, I salute Bridge for not accepting Terry's handshake because he doesn't deserve it...

hmm, i would really salute Bridge if he shook hands with Terry.
Not forgiving is a lot easier to do than forgiving.
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True, in the end she was a whore and it's good that Bridge found it out before it was too late, like say, marriage. Sorry I just am biased against unfaithful people, both women and men.