Boss MT-2 vs EHX Metal Muff?


New member
I've yet to try the metal muff but i've heard its "better" than the mt-2

how does the metal muff compare to the mt-2? tone-wise.
to begin with they are 2 totally different pedals.

but I feel that the metal muff is quieter than a stock mt2.

however, i still do feel that the the mt2 has more gain than a metal muff.

thats what i think of course.
hey wolfboy, if you can consider a second hand, I am selling my MT-2 off, pm me if you are interested. Thanks. :D
urmm there are mods for MT-2? what mods are these exactly...i'm not that well-versed in modding and such..please educate me..
the Metal Muff isn't a 'better'pedal, it is an intense type distortion, a definite competitor to the MT-2.

it's a matter of preference; if you like your distortion laced with a muff-type (fuzz) voicing for some serious raunchiness, the MM will appeal.
I have asked this question before to a fellow softie ^^^^^ and was asked to try the Uber Metal. Annnnnnnnd I fell in love with it.

This pedal is heaaavy both physically and soundwise and enough chugga chugga to play from here to north pole, across to the south and back home. I own an unmodded MT2 and have tried the UM, not the MM though. But the UM gets my vote.

Any hardrocking player going for the distortion thing should try this pedal first.
i believe you no like MT2 for the nasally tone it produces not much clarity and bite ??
Remove that nasally (80's metal) tone and some wee bit of tweaking ...the MT2 will surprise you... :D
remy: wah too many choices liao liddat... i've tried the marshall jack hammer before and it gives a solid rock-inclined sound... but i think my randolfied switchblade ds-1 can cover most of that...

what i'm looking for is more of a beyond phat-rock into metal distortion

now i've got 3 pedals to comapre... from what every1 has said, i gather that MT-2's good with a mod to remove the thin nasalness... that'll be $130 for the pedal + maybe $50 to $100 for the mod. adds up to about $200

or... i could get the metal muff which has metal with fuzz-inclined tone for $180...

then there's the uber metal which lifele55 suggested. it "kicks MT-2's but" unmodded and i could get it for $169... what's diff about this pedal comapred to the rest? i've heard its "digital"? what's meant by that? does that mean it cannot be modded normally like any other analog pedals (not that it needs any)?
da uber metal is kinda digital
not so smooth sounding

if ya paying 250+ 4 a modded metal zone
i suggest u might wanna take a look at da sansamp gt-2
it features a lot of different distortion units
but im not sure abit a modded metal zone

neway theres a small pedal i saw on da review section
its da danelectro black coffee u might wanna check it out

ne1 used a metal master b4?
hows it compared 2 a metal zone?
dude, smth abt the metal muff. i tried it out, i really like it for rhythm. its easy to tweak with all the knobs. seriously its reliable for that. can get 80s thrash to skoopped etc. however, the boost, is really really dissappointing. it makes the sound sharp and abit thin i suppose. so i rather get the metal muff for rhythm, and use smth to make the boost sound better. add a ds-1 with it perhaps? i dont know.. u have to try it.
remy: the review database has the Metal Master review 8)

if you don't like the top-boost function of the MM, it's other derivatives should be more appealing. i own all 3 versions, review coming soon (as soon as my daughter stops crying so very often...)


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