Bio of Eremiahjsu


New member
haha. i just recently came back to soft, because in the past soft was kinda dead? but its so much fun now!!

well i'm Jeremiah Su, and i'm a budding musician like all you cool cats out there. i'm with a band, LARAMIE, and we've been playing together since march this year? yeah somewhere around there. i feel that local music in singapore is shaping up, but the sad truth is that i dont think local music might go anywhere much. quote from the great metallica, sad but true.

but i'm glad that there are avenues of music out here, like soft, that'll really help to expend the music world in singapore. and only if we could somehow like take over JB, or part of malaysia, then maybe we'd have a bigger broader scope of things.

SOFT is great, and i hope that people be nice to meeee..HAHA. i noob lar. anyway, have fun, have food, and remember, make safe love. one love, one love.[/url]
Flutter sounds very Incubus-y. Gosh i'd love to be a part of your music but i le nOoB. haha!

but great work man.