Beware of FRAUDULENT SOFTIES-- distorted_soul

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New member
WE recently accepted someones add to be a drummer for a band, which he willingly agreed to, we spoke for a while, and then "suprise suprise" he never showed up for practice, and after calling and calling, day after day, private message after private message, email after email, all this effort we put in, and for NOTHING. as great as soft is, we cannot account for all the undesirables using the site... thanks for the opportunity to seek members, but **** you to all those who abuse it, let this be a public humiliation.

DISTORTED_SOUL = ***hole ,coward, anyone want to add to list?
Guess you are in the same band with The-Warlord.

Last that I noticed this d_soul, and posted... He was in this thread. Look for my post.

Pawned... :?
Tyler Drake - if you dont give us his info - its not a public humiliation for him coz nobody would know who he is...?

I'd say drop em if they no show the 1st tyme round and even fail to call... 8)
yeah, well, his account is distorted_soul

his name is PRABS...

he goes to Raffles i dunno the proper technical names...

He is a fat, indian / malay looking guy and you can see him on the 'SLIPKNOT in SINAPORE pictures' as one of the lucky (but undeserving) guys who actually MET the band... he's in the photo with CHRis i believe (the long nosed one).

the p*ssy didn't even answer calls all night when we were waiting on him, i mean... haver some courage and just be STRAIGHT with people... dont run away from your problems?! it gets you NOWHERE and it is frustrating for the people waiting on you ! obviously.
TylerDrake, though you mentioned he had done you wrong but it does not warrant such a big reaction from you. if what you said is true, he basically wasted a few hours of your time. move on and look for another drummer.

* please edit away all the profanities. like you said, SOFT is a nice place, dont make it bad.
i feel that he should really come out to give some explaination.

i have seen him personally before. and he seemed like a arrogant person to me from all his previous posts. sorry just my person opinion.
Chill ah bro!! No need to get emo abt this..

As hurtful as it is, one must move on.. Ignore that fella. I'm sure U'll get a replacement ASAP!!

Rock On!!
that guy used to be from my school. i feel so sad for him haha. well, i'm sure there are lots of drummers out there, dont give up (:
tyler drake:i know tt guy..he's not this bad la..did u talk to him like how u speak here?? all the Fs and Ps...i havent seen him on msn for a long long time.
haha tyler drake, he also expressed interest to be a drummer when i wanted to form a band, but he didnt respond anymore after that. :roll:

So, dun care abt him
i dont see why we have to pretend to be nice and understanding about the whole thing. the ***** wasted our time and blew us off, and it annoys us off. We are not mean people, we were getting along with him fairly well over MSN, which is why we wanted to audition him in the first place, because we are not intersted in stiff band practice - we are a family and want to invite people into it to make music and HAVE FUN! We are still desperatly looking for a drummer who wants to headbang and make awesome metal music with us.... :(
think his name is prab nathan or wad...bought my rhythm traveller 2 yrs by now i guess he's a pro drummer looking for a band to play in ahahaha
hahah a pro drummer... exactly... the funny thing is, he has definately read this thread and has yet again "failed" to respond... i'd like to know what really happened!...

come to think of it, we auditioned him twice, he didn't show up the first time, and he made some excuse... and we gave him the benefit of the doubt, cause we have to have some FAITH in people, because we are like that, but then to be turned down twice is almost an insult to OUR intelligance ... ?!.... roast him.
hahahahaha roast him....nvm to prabs.. how's the rhythm trav going...sounding good rite? of cos it was mine
I am ashamed to say this but I love this whole thread. It lets all SOFTies know you can't really get away with much here.
Hopefully, none of such shit will happen again. I'd hate to be in either parties' shoes.

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