Best pedal tuner?

I doubt the Planet Waves has true bypass. TheBlueArk posted earlier on the near-impossibility of it... other than that, my vote goes to the Korg DT-10.
would tuners like that korg provide a much more accurate tuning then my cheap generic brandless tuner? i would love to be able to play in tune better.
strobostomp. The end all to all pedal tuners. ;)

Except for the current irritating reliability issues..... the +/- 0.01 cent tuning accuraccy will get you pretty much in tune.
Cheap one, Korg DT10. More accurate than the Boss TU2 and the Planet waves one. Tonesuck slightly less than the TU2. Planet waves one I haven't tried. DT10 is true bypass moddable.

Top of the line is strobostomp as mentioned. Costs 3 times as much though.

Personally unless you need to do inontation settings, you probably won't need the strobostomp. I have like 20 secs to tune up between songs during gigs, won't have much time to get perfectly in tune anyway, the DT10 is great for this because it tracks really fast and has a very straightforward and large display.
The Dt-10 is S$117 from citymusic, The PW tuner is S$95 from davis. I have the PW tuner, it doesn't track as fast but I like its small size. And the release hatch of the battery compartment is difficult to reach, u need something to poke it in order to reach it. The LED display is very clear and viewable from far. Its not true bypass.
ShredCow said:
strobostomp. The end all to all pedal tuners. ;)

Except for the current irritating reliability issues..... the +/- 0.01 cent tuning accuraccy will get you pretty much in tune.

Didnt u even read my first post?
Yes I can, somewhat. There will need to be a toggle switch at the back where one of the jacks used to be. This needs to be pressed once to power up the pedal whenever you connect the power supply to it.

An indicator LED can be added too if you want.


PM me for more details.
Yeah agree totally with Blueark. The 'nano-tonal' accuracy is only useful for people who are very anal with intonation. The funny thing is, most of time, this anal group of people do not even possess perfect pitch or strong relative pitch :lol:

A strobo stomp is really not necessary at a gig. Think about it. What if your pianist is tuned to 439? Is the bassist using a strobostomp as well? All your 0.01 cent accuracy comes to naught! Using your ears and a reliable tuner is all that you need for a gig. Fretless players, horn players etc all intonate by ear. Its time guitarists know how to do that too!

All this aside, the DT-10 is a reliable tuner, more than good enough for gigs. Btw, I do not have the DT-10, but I've used it before. Or, I could just repeatedly recommend something that I'm using 8) just to justify my purchases.
hullabalooeeks said:
Didnt u even read my first post?

Oops! Hehehe... morning rush!

I wouldn't recommend the Boss TU-2. The tunning isn't accurate enough for me, so I don't see a point, and it can't be TB-ed as easily as the DT-10.

bopakeh said:
Yeah agree totally with Blueark. The 'nano-tonal' accuracy is only useful for people who are very anal with intonation. The funny thing is, most of time, this anal group of people do not even possess perfect pitch or strong relative pitch

I think this pertains more to recording/studio conditions, where even if you can't hear out-of-tune-ness, its essential to be in-tune as often as possible.
nickyseow said:
kabish. do NOT generalize ya? 8)

I didn't generalise simply by using 'most of the time'. I didn't make a sweeping statement as you suggested. It would be cool though if you could find some strobostomp users who genuinely possesed true relative or perfect pitch, i.e people who can transcribe quickly without using their instrument as a reference. Hope I cleared the misunderstanding, cheers
hmm just to pop this question

anyone knows what exactly is that tuner used by john petrucci on his gigs?

those long one in one strip

any other tuner pedals that less space consuming?

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