Best/favourite thread in SOFT

Which is your favourite SOFT thread?

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Well, I stopped reading the gear threads already so this poll will be slanted to a few boards.

Vote for your favourite SOFT thread here now!!!
I wonder what will happen to Singapore when that happens. Including the standard of English and amount of substance you have between your ears:)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\its teh end of teh worrrlddddddddd>>>>>>>>////////////////<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
hurr hurr thinks he speaketh the bestest sub-branch of ye olde rikes it arots....maketh my england very more the powderful....

but have to admire his courage though......

*puts on a "I <3 GuyRence" tee....while carrying a "I wanna have your babies" banner~~~*

hurr hurr thinks he speaketh the bestest sub-branch of ye olde rikes it arots....maketh my england very more the powderful....

but have to admire his courage though......

*puts on a "I <3 GuyRence" tee....while carrying a "I wanna have your babies" banner~~~*


surprisingly, any thread involving guyrence is always fun to read.
and i wonder what amuses me. the fact that he get flamed ALL the time or the fact that his english is powderful/ the way he <<types>>
well then again, maybe its both :D