Behold The Wrath! 10th Jan 2009

Hi there all..The tix at Inooki have almost sold out and the Tix from most of the bands is sold out to.So to get presale tix act now cos i think by Friday it will be sold out.
The bands who performed were awesome! though there were problems with the sound and the crowd is dissapointing. Yeah gig nowadays lack the support. Nafrat had the best performance for this gig in my opinion. Very tight! Vocals and drums were awesome..Was dissapointed with Beast Petrify's set as that was the main band I wanted to watch. But kudos to you guys for finishing the set due to the problems faced and I know what you guys are capable of!Very unique band and different form the rest.Respect!Tormentress was not what I expected. Their music was pretty good but lack of showmanship...oh well they are ladies....drummer kept the band alive.
i heard beast petrify got an earful from ahboy ah haha! show respect to the equipments, especially to the man who owns them!
All in all, a great gig. Hope Beast Petrify will have a better set next time. Nafrat was simply amazing! The slayer cover was madness. The best version of Kill Again that i've ever heard and their songs were technical. Necroholocaust and Saitan were great too. Saw bandmembers telling each other they couldn't hear themselves on stage but still they pull it off. A good start to a new year for metal!:twisted:
beast petrify is the shit man!!! for a while i thought i saw mille petrozza on stage... drummer is fit as f**K!!

thrash till death!!!
Beast Petrify would like to thank all those who came to support the gig. All the bands were awesome on that day! \m/

We had a dissapointing set due to the sound problem. Sorry to dissapoint you guys. We were hoping for the sound engineer to help us but instead were left up there to struggle all the way! No, we were not trying to play at volume 11, we just wanted someone to help us out and set things right. We still don't understand why AhBoy gave us the middle finger and shouting at us instead of helping us out, you know best what to do in such a situation and we relied on you. It's already tough for us to focus on our performance with such faulty sound. We were there to give our best for the crowd and we certainly need at least a decent sound to do that. Where's the cooperation bro?? And to those few from the crowd who wanted us to stop playing, We will continue to thrash the stage and complete our task no matter what happens!

See you guys again...soon.

PS: photo taking session we had!
hey Beast petrify sorry to hear abt the sound issue..i cant make it that day ..
i know what u guys are capable of !!!Kreator all the way bro ..:)

Chud nxt time help them set up ler...hehe
Hi BeastPetrify,
It's really amazing seeing such great fighting spirit and passion in you guys despite facing technical problems and uncooperative individuals. I'm sure many in your position would have crumbled terribly but you guys proved otherwise. I'm looking forward to your next performance,which will be without a doubt,a great blast and oh 'great respect for the instruments and organizers (IF they are worthy of that)!!'
Organisers? Hmm I don't think the organiser has anything to do with the cockup set of beast petrify. Other bands were doing fine. Go figure!