Beginners unite!

cool shall throw u all my nooby probs when i see u!

okay guys so how? lets start planning!
lets all state which days are our most 'high-chance-free' days!
im usually free on fridays, saturdays and wednesday afternoons all the way to midnight.

who's living near the north? maybe we can have hard-core guitar chionging sessions lol!
(i need to b effecient in the guitar asap *stress*)
north siders unite!! hahaha!! i live in sembawang heh :D
hmmm now got the stupid ndp only free on sun and mon :)
yay i live in yishun haha!
i guess i can make it on sundays too...

guys pm me ur numbers if u r interested! (or post it here if u want LOL)
cuz its too much a hassle to plan every meeting on the forum.

this is how it goes :
i'll be mass messaging u guys on random days to see if who is able to meet up and practice tgt. (i'll inform u guys 2 days or more before the actual meeting)
we'll only meet up if 3 or more show up.
cuz 2 person abit awkward lah lol.
nice if all north siders then meet in the north can?? i damn lazy go out these lui also XD

anyway, here's my no, lost count how many times i posted it on this thread alr (shit thats how long i've been following this thread lol) 9154eighttwonine5
i semi-north haha north west at yew tee :) kinda gave up on the west side group lol been followin the thread but till now no progress lol.. haha if there's a north side thingy count me in :D
^ no prob!

where do u guys prefer to gather at? do u all mind void decks and stuff?
or u all want jamming studio? or...?
haha lets plan this tgt kk

oh and again... please state what days u are most high chance free :D
im more keen towards the void deck thn studio, cause usually this kinda gathering we'll spend alot of time chatting and stoning lol.. so yea not a good idea to dmge our wallet in the first gathering..
im usually free other thn fridays :)
yeah plus we're beginners. we dont need amps or drumsets there hahaha.
okay cool so void deck it shall be!
(we'll just select a random void deck near northpoint)

oh im sorry >< seems like most of us from north.
hopefully u're fine with coming over .

so... our first meeting.
lets vote. coming wednesday or saturday?
(pls do pm me ur number!!!! or post it here if u want. )
yeah plus we're beginners. we dont need amps or drumsets there hahaha.
okay cool so void deck it shall be!
(we'll just select a random void deck near northpoint)

oh im sorry >< seems like most of us from north.
hopefully u're fine with coming over .

so... our first meeting.
lets vote. coming wednesday or saturday?
(pls do pm me ur number!!!! or post it here if u want. )

woot, near northpoint de voiddeck, Can i come?
sure! pls do come! :D

hmm tht we'll have to see what the rest says first =(
if more ppl agree den we do it thr ba

dun m.i.a guys cmon~~~
i prefer north point that area...more convenient for me lol :p
but i thought we were discussing a north side meetup as a seperate issue from the usual meetup?? o.O
i think i would be better if you made a new thread on the matter, it feels weird discussing it here to put it crudely,hijackin the thread lol...
anw yea make a new thread if not it's really weird that the usual place get's changed to the north area, though with that said i doubt the ts checks out the thread at all lmao
hey, guys can i join in too? sms me ohkay? cos i am not using the computer often onli when imprt stuff then i use the computer. thx,i gtg now. nickname vindicated. sms me at 83522956. currently a vocalist in search of a band...hehex btw, i am malay and i am 15 yr old
hey, guys can i join in too? sms me ohkay? cos i am not using the computer often onli when imprt stuff then i use the computer. thx,i gtg now. nickname vindicated. sms me at 83522956. currently a vocalist in search of a band...hehex btw, i am malay and i am 15 yr old

you should post in the musician available section... we aint exactly forming a band or what it's more of a gathering