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Relationship between major and minor scales.
Many of us knows how to play the major scales but some are confused over the minor scales. There are 3 types of minor scales: Harmonic, melodic & natural. Over here, I'll briefly discuss the relationship of the major & minor scales. (Do not get confused with the term harmonic & melodic as in harmonic & melodic intervals) Here, we will use A major and different forms of A minor as example.

Major Scale in the key of A (accending/going up)
A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, A (T, T, S, T, T, T, S)
Major scales are the same when played accending and decending(going down)

Harmonic Minor Scale in the key of A
To play a harmonic minor scale, simply flat(b) the 3rd and 6th degree of a major scale. This case, A is the 1st, B is the 2nd and C# is the 3rd and etc.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, A
Harmonic minor scales are the same accending and decending.

Melodic Minor Scale in the key of A
Accending A, B, C, D, E, F#, G#, A (Flat the 3rd of a major; C# becomes C)
Decending A, G, F, E, D, C, B, A (Flat the 3rd, 6th & 7th of a major scale)

Natural Minor Scale in the key of A
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A (Flat the 3rd, 6th & 7th of a major scale)
Natural Minor Scale is the same accending and decending. Notice that it is the same form as a melodic minor decending. (Not tested in major exam boards, can ignore this form.)

On a minor scale, the 3rd degree is always flatten(b). To play a simplfied version of a minor scale, flat the 3rd or mediant of a major scale.

# Sharp
b Flat
Hope this helps.
stringcast i think that is a fantastic explanation about the major and minor scales but i think the one that is the most confusing to me is the melodic mino or the jazz minor scale bcause the notes would be different ascending and descending but anyway fantastic explanation :p
hi zeruel i think for you to be able to perform the pinch harmonics you should increase the gain and the treble setting of your amp and also use the bridge pickup try to hit the notes hard with your pick and then let the side of your thumb to hit the string gently but make sure that the side of the thumb doesnt completelty mute the strings:p
so how? when want to meet up? firdaus and stringcast want to join us? then can show your classical guitar stunt
Superb post by Strincast. Helps me alot! I'm not a beginner but I know nuts about scales. Thanks for pointing those out. Want to up your points, but must spread first. Already gave you.
Superb post by Strincast. Helps me alot! I'm not a beginner but I know nuts about scales. Thanks for pointing those out. Want to up your points, but must spread first. Already gave you.

btw ah how u get the rep power and rep points ah what is the diff?
really la. i only play chords and anyhow solo. dont know all these scales stuff.

rep points: how much u get from people.
rep power: how much u can give people.

to give: u see the good post then top right of the post got like weighing balance logo, press that one, approve to add, disapprove to minus. must post on the specific post only.
really la. i only play chords and anyhow solo. dont know all these scales stuff.

rep points: how much u get from people.
rep power: how much u can give people.

to give: u see the good post then top right of the post got like weighing balance logo, press that one, approve to add, disapprove to minus. must post on the specific post only.

then how to increase the rep power?
there is a thing that looks like an old fashioned weighing scale above the "join date". click that to add to a person's rep point. doesnt really serve much purpose anyway...

or does it? o.o
depends how long u join and ur post number.
every year passes, add one
every 1000 posts add one

example for me:
i two years = plus 2
2000plus posts = plus 2