beginner guitarists gathering

try my best with the modes part, i understand how it works but not a master of modes tho.. i think likui should know.. but anyway i would suggest u get ur basics on the major scale down first before moving to modes be it theory wise and oh yea familiarize ur self with it on the fret board too.. it gets quite complicated to just jump to modes.. and yea i would suggest just learn the modes that you will be using other thn that.. ermm you can join me and my friend at the mrt at 1 to walk over i agar agar know how to go there already
walao mai lai :( i read bout u explainin modes before haha and besides i doubt ur a beginner at all lmao... you've been sticking around the beginner thread since nong nong ago
Hey tmr how?

4 people


so yea likui should be meeting u first at 12 i'll bring the other 2 over at 1pm from yishun mrt :)
hey anw itachi thanks again for opening up your house haha :)
btw what amp you using!!! dam i cant wait to try other amps beside mine.. oh wait i dont have one lmao
no worries to meet new friends tt has a passion for guitar too...haha

amps using a orange rockerverb and a randall tube combo
haha maybe he trying to act noob first, then when we all meet up he unleash his powers

nonsense lah, I really play chords lah, modes not so good. chords also learning, too many chords to memorise lah u see chord book so thick