Bedroom amp recommendations?

Ok, for reading, thinking and talking...I figured that solid state amps just cannot go close to a tube amp...therefore, I am now in search for a modelling pedal which models after the JCM 800...that dirt crunchy tone...anything?
df said:
I figured that solid state amps just cannot go close to a tube amp...therefore, I am now in search for a modelling pedal which models after the JCM 800

Sorry, what were you saying?
df said:
Ok, for reading, thinking and talking...I figured that solid state amps just cannot go close to a tube amp...therefore, I am now in search for a modelling pedal which models after the JCM 800...that dirt crunchy tone...anything?

im confused.....
Now basically I have a choice of the Crunch Box, Tri AC or the GT-2. Crunch Box will not come till end Jan and I'm not sure I can wait that long...but between the 3...which is the one that brings me closest?
df said:
Oooh...still the Crunch Box...anywhere selling Crunch Boxes besides G77?

order online! is a gd place to start! Fast shipping and quite safe. It would be good if you can find a friend to buy something else there too since they charge US$15 shipping for a pedal and the 2nd pedal gets free shipping!!
df said:
Oooh...still the Crunch Box...anywhere selling Crunch Boxes besides G77?

just order online from tonefactor or from MI Audio themselves. Do the math the price including shipping is about the same.

I waited about a week for my crunchbox from MI Audio themselves when it first came out. Not sure about the wait time now.

Brad from tonefactor is a nice dude. He'll help you out with your shipping enquires and stuff. Ordered stuff from him before and they came with a bag of candies hruhruhru.
was just reading a review on the Kustom 12 gauge.
its a 10w, 1x12" amp.
yea, no typo there...10w and a 12" speaker.

apparently has a very nice tight bottom cos of the 12", be very curious to go try it.

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