Baybeats results out!

woohooo oslo castaways!!!! way to go nazri
well, i guess that the bands that are there would be those that pulled off the most impressing and most tight auditions on that day itself.
So they would all be the ones who deserve it
wah Cardinal Avenue got through??
they're Ngee Ann band. like mine. and we're aiming to take over NP and BRING. THEM. DOWN.
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how do you "bring down" a band?

nobody even really knows who you are, and now everybody's going to know you as the band with a personal vendetta against another band for being hardworking and successful.

way to go!
Hey Jugman

I'm John from Cardinal Avenue. The drummer as well as representative for the band.
Well, just curious. What's wrong being a Ngee Ann band?
I'd be glad to meet you personally to talk further on this topic.
Just give me nudge in school and let me know you're de softy kid who wants to bring us down.

John - Cardinal Avenue
de_john88: relax *fan fan* i think jugman is just making a joke :) heck him eh..

josucker: yups they did took part :) pretty neat and tight band...

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