Batman: The Dark Knight!


In tribute to upcoming Batman movie, The Dark Knight, I have posted this old school comic of Batman from yesteryears

Weird Comic Strip:
What do you think of it? Is there an undertone of something there? is it just me or does Robin's arms look to be resting on a little 'something something'?
(Please refrain from making derogatory comments of any sort!)

Has anyone seen the totally kick ass trailer with Heath Ledger starring as The Joker? He looks awesome in the role!
YouTube Trailer:
YouTube - The Dark Knight Trailer

It's a huge 180 turn from the role he played in Brokeback Mountain! Damn excited for this Batman movie! It's gonna be the best yet!
comic seems cut out

having high hopes for The Dark Knight, didn't really favor Batman Begins with all the shaky cam action. Good thing Ledger finished filming before ODing.
I was referring more to the fact that they're sleeping on the same king sized bed with pink sheets over them :)
in batman's world, i like to think that friends like to sleep with each other. and man, pink duvets are cool and I would love to have one.

also if you look closely, robin is folding his arms. (and looking cocky too, i guess he's all up for some action)

also here's a picture that might rape your childhood
The Dark Knight had the best/ intricate viral marketing campaign ever designed for a movie. I thought the Jack O'Lantern bit where they got all the fans from the 52 States in USA to go to specific locations to take certain pictures. These pictures would form a sentence.

It was the best viral marketing campaign till this came out.

YouTube - Tropic Thunder Viral Video

"Christian Bale will kick your ass!"
I was referring more to the fact that they're sleeping on the same king sized bed with pink sheets over them :)
hehe. yeah. two guys sleeping together on one bed sounds radically wrong. especially in that exact poses Batman and Robin are in. haha.
Batman The Dark Knight- definitely watching

Iron Man- gave it a miss...

Incredible Hulk- watching because Edward Norton is Bruce Banner
You should have watched it. It far surpassed most people's expectations of the film and probably ranks as my top three favourite superhero movies of all time (apart from V For Vendetta). I didn't go in expecting too much but boy was I blown away by IRON MAN! It's also the highest grossing film of 2008 so far!

I can only hope The Dark Knight will live up to my high expectations after the awesomeness of that movie.
It's the script and the suit that made Iron Man one of my top superhero movies too. Really well crafted script. *and suit*. Lovely.

V for Vendetta rocks at No.1. :)
V for Vendetta sucks plainly as a movie, and even a further as an adaptation. (and so does 300..)

in a world where X Men 2, Spiderman 3, Superman Returns or even Transformers seems to dominate, Iron Man is really refreshing to watch. But that is only because Robert Downey Jr was superbly casted in his role.

and Ed Norton as Bruce Banner? wow, didn't hear of that. That Ang Lee expedition was a huge mess.
Er, V for Vendetta was adapted from an Alan Moore comic book. So the graphic novel came out first. It was a commentary on Margaret Thacher's era of politics. The Wachowski brothers made theirs a mild commentary on the war on terror.

300 was just a summer movie lah. Didn't like it that much. Hopefully, Zack Synder will do better with the Watchmen.

Spiderman 3 was the weakest in its series. Superman Returns was pretty shite...

But X-Men 2 and Transformers rocked (in a summer blockbuster kinda way).

I tot the Lee An version was excellent, barring the crappy ending with the Absorbing Man.
I like how the Wachowski bros changed the show which was about anarchism to freedom and democracy, and added explosions and plotholes all around. The real crime of course, was Portman's pseudo british accent.

300 was a great comic. I'm not much of a fan of comics or even comic book movies actually, but there's something to be said about how a good comic movie can get your adrenaline pumping. (but hell, that's what action movies are about anyway)

The Watchmen is shaping up to be a really cool movie, from what i've seen and heard of it.
I like how the Wachowski bros changed the show which was about anarchism to freedom and democracy, and added explosions and plotholes all around. The real crime of course, was Portman's pseudo british accent.

she was redeemed by her cute uniform!!
Speaking of comics, I really liked Bruce WIllis in Sin City. Thought he was well casted for the role.. And I actually didn't hate Constantine all that much. They should make a movie on The Preacher sometime soon!

Here's The Incredible Hulk trailer for those interested!

And I do hope everyone stayed until the very end of Iron Man's credits to see Samuel L. Jackson come out as Nick Fury to invite Iron Man to be part of S.H.I.E.L.D! Though I thought Nick Fury was supposed to be a white man? Or am I mistaken?