Basss EQ recommendations


New member
hi. i'm looking for an EQ pedal, nothing fancy, just need some tone shaping ever since i sold off my Zoom.. first one i looked at was the Boss GEB-7. looks decent to me, something that i could use/depend on like.. for a long time. i havent tried anything at the shops yet though, so any recommendations? i'm open to recommendations for preamps too. again, nothing fancy, nothing boutique or shit like that. appreciate the help!
hi. i'm looking for an EQ pedal, nothing fancy, just need some tone shaping ever since i sold off my Zoom.. first one i looked at was the Boss GEB-7. looks decent to me, something that i could use/depend on like.. for a long time. i havent tried anything at the shops yet though, so any recommendations? i'm open to recommendations for preamps too. again, nothing fancy, nothing boutique or shit like that. appreciate the help!


Here are the preamps I own and 1 (Hartke) that I have only tried

If your bass is passive, Sadowsky is a good choice. This will enhance the sound of your bass with a tight bass that would cut thru the mix on most passive basses. Dont get me wrong, you can still use this with an Active bass but will not feel a major leap in the tone.

If your bass is active (w/batteries) - I would skip the Sadowsky and go for the following below:

Sansamp - people love or hate this. this can really make your bass sound HUGE. This is my current favorite.

Aguilar Tone Hammer - Warm preamp with variable mid control. This is nice to warm up your sound and boost and cut some mids.... this is great to get that cut thru tone when your bass looses definition in the band mix.

Hartke Bass Attack - this sounds aggressive and I sounded great for rock and metal. This is the cheapest among the ones I mentioned. This is a great preamp too.

I read some good reviews of the Dunlop MXR-80, never tried it but seems to get a good following as well. This one has Mid control.

One of the EQ I am GASsing for now is the Sansamp VT Bass.... this also had excellent reviews and would like to try it for myself.

Just my 2 cents bro... my choice of tone may not be for everyone... its best that your bring your bass over and try the preamps yourself... I saw one bassist that used only the BOSS GEB-7 and he had the best bass tone during that gig. So its also a matter of how you know to get the tone you want.
Hi Definitely,

Sansamp and Aguilar are good and safe choices.


Here are the preamps I own and 1 (Hartke) that I have only tried

If your bass is passive, Sadowsky is a good choice. This will enhance the sound of your bass with a tight bass that would cut thru the mix on most passive basses. Dont get me wrong, you can still use this with an Active bass but will not feel a major leap in the tone.

If your bass is active (w/batteries) - I would skip the Sadowsky and go for the following below:

Sansamp - people love or hate this. this can really make your bass sound HUGE. This is my current favorite.

Aguilar Tone Hammer - Warm preamp with variable mid control. This is nice to warm up your sound and boost and cut some mids.... this is great to get that cut thru tone when your bass looses definition in the band mix.

Hartke Bass Attack - this sounds aggressive and I sounded great for rock and metal. This is the cheapest among the ones I mentioned. This is a great preamp too.

I read some good reviews of the Dunlop MXR-80, never tried it but seems to get a good following as well. This one has Mid control.

One of the EQ I am GASsing for now is the Sansamp VT Bass.... this also had excellent reviews and would like to try it for myself.

Just my 2 cents bro... my choice of tone may not be for everyone... its best that your bring your bass over and try the preamps yourself... I saw one bassist that used only the BOSS GEB-7 and he had the best bass tone during that gig. So its also a matter of how you know to get the tone you want.
I would like to recommend a EQ pedal which is not exactly a EQ pedal/DI box. It called the BASS RC BOOSTER from Xotic. It is actually a booster but i always leave it on when i'm having fun with my bass.
It have 4 controls, Treble/Bass/Gain & Vol. Very versatile, very transparent, add clarity and all in a wonderful small case which save up space on your pedalboard too.
I would like to recommend a EQ pedal which is not exactly a EQ pedal/DI box. It called the BASS RC BOOSTER from Xotic. It is actually a booster but i always leave it on when i'm having fun with my bass.
It have 4 controls, Treble/Bass/Gain & Vol. Very versatile, very transparent, add clarity and all in a wonderful small case which save up space on your pedalboard too.

Demo for RC Booster -

Hartke Bass Attack is cheapest and worth the $$.. $100++..

Sadowsky and Aguilar is good.

Sansamp.. Agreed that some like it but some don't.. the copy version is Behringer BDI 21 (its 3 times cheaper than Sansamp but not as hardy.)

Go online and listen to sample.. Also depend on ur budget..


Thumbs up to Xotic RC boaster.

I am using it now in my pedals rig as well. Very transparent will not alter ur original tone of your bass. I normally boast it when using my Passive mode from my Bass. Thus, I can really hear the original tone of my Bass.

Demo for RC Booster -

Hartke Bass Attack is cheapest and worth the $$.. $100++..

Sadowsky and Aguilar is good.

Sansamp.. Agreed that some like it but some don't.. the copy version is Behringer BDI 21 (its 3 times cheaper than Sansamp but not as hardy.)

Go online and listen to sample.. Also depend on ur budget..


just to note that the sadowsky preamp is boost only, no cut in signal.

so basically if you want mids, you cannot use the pedal to boost mids, since it only affects treble and bass frequencies. there is no mid control.

the more you boost, the more mid-scooped sound you get. there is no cut function.

if you want mid controls, then probably the aguilar tone hammer is a good choice, but i dunno where i can buy one in sg.

about the sansamp VT bass, the price here in singapore is ridiculously high. It's $150 USD in the US, that works out to be SGD$250 max. but it's selling here in sg in the shops for $400.
just to note that the sadowsky preamp is boost only, no cut in signal.

so basically if you want mids, you cannot use the pedal to boost mids, since it only affects treble and bass frequencies. there is no mid control.

the more you boost, the more mid-scooped sound you get. there is no cut function.

if you want mid controls, then probably the aguilar tone hammer is a good choice, but i dunno where i can buy one in sg.

about the sansamp VT bass, the price here in singapore is ridiculously high. It's $150 USD in the US, that works out to be SGD$250 max. but it's selling here in sg in the shops for $400.

Just an FYI, you can get the following at TyMusic in Peninsula Shopping center - I bought most of my stuff here...

Aguilar Tone Hammer
Sadowsky Outboard Preamp
Sansamp VT Bass - if I'm not mistaken they are selling this between 260-280... it think
Sansamp Bass Driver DI - not sure if they have stock now.
Xotic preamps - ..... Blackwood Guitars also carries this

at City Music in Peace Center
Hartke Bass Attack
Just an FYI, you can get the following at TyMusic in Peninsula Shopping center - I bought most of my stuff here...

Aguilar Tone Hammer
Sadowsky Outboard Preamp
Sansamp VT Bass - if I'm not mistaken they are selling this between 260-280... it think
Sansamp Bass Driver DI - not sure if they have stock now.
Xotic preamps - ..... Blackwood Guitars also carries this

at City Music in Peace Center
Hartke Bass Attack

+2 thumbs up!!!
hi. i'm looking for an EQ pedal, nothing fancy, just need some tone shaping ever since i sold off my Zoom.. first one i looked at was the Boss GEB-7. looks decent to me, something that i could use/depend on like.. for a long time. i havent tried anything at the shops yet though, so any recommendations? i'm open to recommendations for preamps too. again, nothing fancy, nothing boutique or shit like that. appreciate the help!

there is no preamp/di that can better the EQ capabilities of a graphic EQ pedal

so i suggest you screw most of the suggestions above. a MXR 10-band eq should do fine.

let's not get carried away, people :mrgreen:
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there is no preamp/di that can better the EQ capabilities of a graphic EQ pedal

so i suggest you screw most of the suggestions above. a MXR 10-band eq should do fine.

let's not get carried away, people :mrgreen:

HAHAHA!!! you got us there bro!!!
Erm, I think an Aguilar Rack Mount Preamp with a MXR 12 Band EQ in the effects loop, into a poweramp, into a 4x12; 4x10; 1x15. This will go into a mixer via a RED DI, which is hooked up to a second Ampeg; similar cab setup. This is then sent to the FOH where a wonderful sound engineer wil further EQ post DI.

Or u could just use a tonehammer.
hey guys thanks for the mmany many responses. i have indeed looked at most of the D.I.s and preamps you guys mentioned when i was in the market for an outboard preamp last year. i always felt my passive jazz just didnt have the oomph enough for me. but then i got a musicman. that took care of that problem.still GASsing for a RED D.I. though. that thing's still looking/sounding very.. seductive. but anyway,

there is no preamp/di that can better the EQ capabilities of a graphic EQ pedal

so im gonna have to agree with what you say there shinobi, will look at graphic EQs. down to the BOSS geb7 or the MXR or the artec eq/tuner from tymusic. dont know how much that would cost though. thanks g13nn for the link. will go tomorrow.

dumbcube: i would consider the radial tonebone bassbone quite boutique dontcha think? and the aguilar's an in betweener thats still overbudget. if they werent, they would be hands down winners man.
Get a LMII! and a 40 band graphic eq rackmount like those I find at the karaoke place I frequent.

oh ktv with special service ah.. lol.

geb7 is cheap and it gets the job done. simple tho and dun break the bank. i use geb7 on my board together with the hartke vxl, and a bunch of other pedals. so far i dig the sound ;p

cheap and good.