Bassists stand up!

Yoz Guys,

Thinking of ordering a schecter bass but which one u think i should order ah?

The Schecter C-4 or the custom 4 ah?

Both looks chio lei

swimming in the deep end since '00
currently playing thru either the mexican fender precision with quarter pounder p/us or mexican standard jazz bass. playing thru a nemesis nc210 (2x10, 250W) in perth.. one of the sweetest little boxes ever!

assorted pedals abound as well.
Bass = Charvel 3B ($400 at CityMusic, bloody cheap)
Amp = Dean Markley K-20BX ($90 at CityMusic, yet another steal)
Pedlas = Boss CS-3, Sansamp Bass Driver DI
i like the european series spector 5 string but donno how to get hold of 1,can cost up to $5+k to ship here!
rudy said:
i like the european series spector 5 string but donno how to get hold of 1,can cost up to $5+k to ship here!

u can try asking raymond from ESDEN TRADING at sim lim sq #01-01.......

or email him at

he's the distrubutor 4 SPECTOR in s'pore......

n he's quite a nice n helpful guy........


Mesa M-Pulse 360



Keep the pics coming.
YO YO YO IM A BASSER!!! (beginner)

Gonna get a Yamaha bass soon. Anybody know any shops selling basses and bass amps below $300??
are any of you guys into jazz?? for one thing i know most people play bass bcos of u guys know of any jazz piece?