bass upgrade


New member
hi all...

i'm currently playing a stock SX jazz bass, the package one
and i think it is time for an upgrade however i dont really know what is there for me....
been wanting to try a humbucker/soapbar
music wise, want to venture into slapping and all the 80's disco stuff...
budget wise, i'll try not to go over 350

would the OLP MM2 suit me nicely?
and do i really need an upgrade?
or would it be better to just Zing my SX...

I got the same situation as the guy above. I'm not sure whether I should be upgrading my SX bass by getting better pickups.

What I had in mind is that if I don't upgrade, I would like to buy a Squier P-J bass.
Upgrade your sx pups and stuffs ?

Sx can go far if you do a full proper setup and upgrading.

good luck!
hmm... for me i dont really like the SX... one thing is that it is very heavy...
and the strings seem hard and the action is quite bad

would a setup help?
hmm... for me i dont really like the SX... one thing is that it is very heavy...
and the strings seem hard and the action is quite bad

would a setup help?

You could always change the strings to something more suitable for your tastes, and the action can be fixed by having your bass "set-upped" (is there such a word? xD)

I need to go set-up my bass too, I've been using my Yamaha RBX774 for almost a year now using its stock configuration, I've done its intonation right, but I'm afraid to change its action just in case I screw up, and my budget's super tight to go buy a new bass (owning my own bass is an act of God already for me). Any ideas for a reliable and worthy shop to set-up my bass? I don't mind paying a bit more to guarantee my bass' safety..
for that budget best to get upgrade what you have first. you may not even need to spend that much..

imo jazz copies are the easiest to upgrade with the most availability of parts.

get it setup.. you will find that it will play like a new bass..
new pickups as well for a new sound..
new bridge for improved sustain, etc etc..

im doing my own sx project as well and finding that im learning more about the jazz bass at the same time.

but ultimately if you want to change to musicman type of bass, then get an OLP.
So, you're saying I should stay with my SX and upgrade it? By the way, anyone know a place to buy SX parts?

Yup. You should upgrade.

But IF you wanna try humbucker pickups , thats another thing. try guitar workshop.
been wanting to try a humbucker/soapbar
music wise, want to venture into slapping and all the 80's disco stuff...

If you're into slapping, Jazz bass is the way to go!

hmm... for me i dont really like the SX... one thing is that it is very heavy...

Heavy is a good thing.

and the strings seem hard and the action is quite bad

would a setup help?

Change your strings if they are too old (more than 6 months of regular playing). I assume you haven't tried changing them since you bought them. They may also feel hard cos you just started playing and havent developed calluses. As for "action is quite bad" do you mean its too high? Low? Or maybe the feel of the neck bothers you? When you bring your bass for set up, be sure you know what you want.

If you

The SX Jazz bass is pretty good. Change of electronics, pickups and bridge and it will sound good.
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BUy a new bass.
Better setup. The most important element is a wood contruction. You would be very disappointed to spend a lot on upgrading parts but doesnt go far. Get the funds on a well-contructed bass. Then you change and upgrade parts when its spoil.
Squier P-J Bass would be good? I don't want high-end bass. i just want mid range. And, shape does matter to me. For example, I don't mind P, J or Thunderbird shape. But, I don't like those Yamaha shape.
Hmm, ever consider ibanez? They produce some gd mid-range bass, personalli i feel they are pretty versatile. U just need to pay abit more then a squier.
Hmm, ever consider ibanez? They produce some gd mid-range bass, personalli i feel they are pretty versatile. U just need to pay abit more then a squier.

Yeap, I got consider buying Ibanez as well. My choice for Ibanez would be AGB200, AFB200, GAXB and ICB. But, I'm not sure which on is the best. For the money, I don't mind paying up to $700+ because I know that price=quality. So, any suggestion?