Bass truss rod adjustment


New member
Got a question to ask all softies, sorry if got ppl ask b4.

I got a squire P special(3TSB) just a few days back, but it was in PJ config.

I reduce the gauge i use and lowered the saddles and when i was about to adjust the truss rod, realize all my allen keys dont fit. The size of this seems to be between no 4 and no 5, should be 4.75.

You guys know where to get allen key in this size?

Btw i got a nagging question to ask. You guys know where to get the cheapest strings here in singapore?

I using DDandario XL series, got it for $20 bucks at Ranking Sports, which is 3rd floor in Bras Brasah. To me this is the cheapest strings i can find. Swee lee selling 2 sets of the same type for 38++.

They selling the ddandario slowound for 26, and boy, the string quality really different but i havent try the sound yet, the neck still have fix... The slowound are so soft, its hard to believe. Ranking sells ernie's too but i not too sure the price. Frm wat i noe, yamaha strings are expensive... Nearly 50 for a set.

Sorry to go of topic, thanks in advance for any suggestions in getting the key. THanks!
the d'addarios and ernie balls are one of the cheapest and value for money strings around. i remember my dad buying some china made strings then but i was too noob to identify if they were of better quality or not. also cant rem how much they were.

if u think 50 bucks are ex for the price of strings, wait till u see thomastik infeld strings. $80 a set.

but i'd pay the price for the quality.

as for the allen key, it should have come with the bass you purchased. otherwise most guitar stores should sell them i believe.
Thanks for the info! But for the strings in Yamaha, it was the same Ddandario selling for 40 or 50+.
Hey there, for allen keys try to check out your local hardware store better if you can go to a shop which deals in machinery, those allen key should comes in 2 sizes or gauge which ever you prefer to called it, mainly the imperial (american) and metric. Hopefully you'll find them, good luck bro.
Thanks for the suggestion! I tried buying from hardware stores and i realize the truss rod is using between 4mm and 5mm, i guess should be 4.5 or 4.75mm. I got 3 sets of allen keys now :( and still havent been able to find that size... Sometimes getting hardware in Singapore is pretty hard...

Btw, you guys noe anywhere they sell those thumb rest for bass where you can screw it on your bass? Something like in this link?
you can check at Davis, Guitar Connection or Guitar Workshop they may got it..r u using a fender jazz bass (MIA,MIJ,MIM)? as replacement or add on for the thumb rest?
some string sets are expensive, sometimes because they are good, or they are not meant to be changed often, or both. i used to go through many sets of bass strings, which was pretty expensive. when they are new they sound good but often have a rought feel to it

when i bought my new bass it came with elixirs and i have never changed the set for close to 6 months, and looks like its gonna last for the next 6 months or more. i dont even know the gauge though, and i will have it professionally set up when i do change them

BUT that is just my opinion if you find it useful then great if not dont flame me... feel free to disagree :oops:

anyway you can TRY to ask the jam studio operators if they have an allen key that can fit, they might be able to sell to you. i bought an allen key from a jam studio before for 2 bucks i think
hey bro, re: allen keys, you can try the shop on the upstairs of clifford centre, right next to raffles place mrt.

really old school shop.. sells wires, door knobs, wd40 etc kinda thing.. you can buy allen keys one at a time in any size or combination.