Bass Pickups and Onboard Preamps


New member
Hi all. im looking to change my current Stagg's Passive J style pickups.
Hoping to change to a set of Humbuckers. Any suggestions and places where i can get it done.

Also, hoping to install preamps, and my current bass has only three knobs. so dunno whether it can be done.

Suggestions and advice. tks tks.
To fit a set of humbuckers into your Jazz means you have to send it to a guitar tech to do the pickup routes for you - that's gonna cost! What kind of tone are you trying to achieve by dropping humbuckers in?

If you're just trying to get silent, humbucking pickups, then I can recommend 2 that'll fit into your Jazz bass easily and without modification - the Nordstrand NJSE and NJSV pickups.


You can check out more info about the pickups at my thread here!
I'm also having a promotion going on now, so it's a great time to get a set if you're thinking about upgrading.

As for preamps, you'll want to consider the Audere JZ3. It's a fantastic sounding preamp that's mounted onto a control plate and is very easy to retrofit into your bass. You can check out more info about it here - Audere Audio JZ3

Hey Cherns tks for the info.
am looking at getting a Fat, Growly and full tone.

And idea of Guitar techs that'll do this kinda stuff.. haha.
Thick, growly and full of tone... as in ala Warwick? Or 70's Jazz growl? Or Musicman style growl?

You could probably dial in thick and growly on a jazz bass easily with a good preamp.
cherns, how does the sound of the NJ4SV compare to the NJ4? besides the fact that the split single J is humbucking...

i'm afraid 'modern' and 'vintage' doesn't make much sense to me, i'll be hoping to try them out someday :mrgreen:
Hey bro, the NJSV sounds very much like the NJ4, only without the 60 cycle hum. It's exactly what you'd expect from a jazz bass... deep, throaty (oops, did I just use those two words in sequence??) and with that nice full tone.
cherns, how does the sound of the NJ4SV compare to the NJ4? besides the fact that the split single J is humbucking...

i'm afraid 'modern' and 'vintage' doesn't make much sense to me, i'll be hoping to try them out someday :mrgreen:

the many jargons that confused this little brain of mine... seems like everyone uses a different word to describe a different sound :-S

this is my intepretation i guess... modern would have a more solid state sound... meaning more metallic and bright i suppose... vintage would be more of a tube kinda sound... more punchy than metallicy clear...

i could b wrong tho =\