bass DISTORTION. NOT fuzz. maybe overdrive


New member

what do you guys reckon? mid-scoop of the tone aside, this is basically the kind of texture i want to get.

many pedals out there claim to be alot of things, but to me are just different flavours of fuzz. like most of devi ever's stuff, etc. i am also NOT into anything that sounds remotely like a 15 inch speaker farting.

i just want a good distortion that's slightly cutting and 'in your face'. just slightly. something that i can actually play a chord through

tube amp drive is out of the qn too. something i can fit in my pedalboard. i prefer pedals meant for bass, but i'm open to ideas
thanks for being awake at this hour josh. i think MOSFET is an area that i will check out. not the fulltone specifically, though :)

you forgot to add the standard "p bass with a pick" answer :mrgreen:
Np... I keep weird hours :) You asked for a pedal, so I didn't mention p-bass with pick..

Anyway, if you have the cash I'd spring for a Z.vex Box of Rock. It's one of the few pedals that have survived my recession downsizing (hurhur). Very versatile and clear overdrive. I leave the speaker farts for my Woolly Mammoth :)
i prefer a polish love thru a hematoma and blend it clean channel. but i am going for the all out, meshuggah but more low-end modern tone.
i've tried the hematoma before but not the bogdan pedals... although their clips sound quite good. the bogdan pedals got quite a nice price right?

if i had the cash i'd spring for YOUR box of rock maybe :mrgreen: i heard it does marshall and has tons of lows... i dont know if thats what i need. damn

anyway, i'm waiting for reviews on this one

+1 to what lordie mentioned, blending...

the important thing be blending clean signal with any gain pedal of choice

heres a clip done with a goose parallel blender and earthquaker hoof fuzz. Pardon the playing, the clip just some different amount of blending thru out


i have experimented with high-gain fuzz blended with alot of clean... the results are interesting

but i find it quite a shame to water down an effect, if you really want the effect to stand out. thats why im looking for something that can stand on its own, something in-your-face.

although i do have what has to be the world's best blender :mrgreen:

i used to have very very good results with an english muff'n. but the bugger is so damn big and bulky. i tried the ehx metal muff a loong time ago and i dont remember much but it was not too bad. i think i should try it again

maybe what i need should not be described as 'distortion' but rather BOOST. i got the DE DB but i think its more of a crackling fuzz rather than rough dirt.

catalinbread bass pedal coming out as well eh...
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oh ya i remember that you got to test one... any inside scoop about when it will be out? or the progress?
there are some reviews on gemini drive in talkbass. heard a lot of good stuff abt it, but s far i tried limited fuzz and distro/od.

the on that grab me by my balls is Metal Zone.

so far i need to blend a bit to get the bottom end and a punch just the drive channel alone, dun have the thunderinng low.