Bar None Monday Sessions: Bilateral Relations


New member
Woaah.. Nice poster there..

Who the heck is Sound Expulsion?? I've never heard of them and they got to play at Bar None?!! One of the best bar in the world some more... What on Earth is going on here?!

And their song samples sounds so CORNY mann... YUCKS! No good. 1 out of 5 stars for them.

Wait a minute.

Sound Expulsion.

I think I've heard that name somewhere somehow suddenly. Hrrrmmmmmmm

OH CRAP! Isn't that my freaking band?!

** Apologies, I was having a really bad case of boredom here.
din said:
Woaah.. Nice poster there..

Who the heck is Sound Expulsion?? I've never heard of them and they got to play at Bar None?!! One of the best bar in the world some more... What on Earth is going on here?!

And their song samples sounds so CORNY mann... YUCKS! No good. 1 out of 5 stars for them.

Wait a minute.

Sound Expulsion.

I think I've heard that name somewhere somehow suddenly. Hrrrmmmmmmm

OH CRAP! Isn't that my freaking band?!

** Apologies, I was having a really bad case of boredom here.

Crazy idiottt. nyahahha

super dy-nooo-mite~!

cool bands.gonna head down for the 29th May slot.

hope itll be as havoc as the previous years.
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

do de di do de di dooo....... 8)

oh btw....we`re not a ska-punk band.....we`re a progressive ska band... :lol:

we`re not punkish anymore....hahahahahahahahaahah.....
On every Monday of May, the Bar None Monday Sessions return to rock your world. Every night will showcase an upcoming Malaysian band. Admission is free and the event is held at Bar None (320 Orchard Road, Singapore Marriott Hotel Basement).

Monday 8 May 2006 also doubles as the launch of For Good! and Documentary In Amber ( and Stoned Revivals ( which have generously contributed tracks will be performing along with Malaysia’s The Ferns (

Bucket of 5 Tiger beers go for S$30 the whole night long! :lol:
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

ok..that`s it...i`ll slip in the painkiller pills in ur drink the next time i see u.... :twisted:
aiyah..dunno whether it`s true or not..coz Mr.Willy didn`t know anything `bout it..(unless he submitted our demo as sample during his interview lah).my fren overheard it while he`s driving...

let ur eyes bulge out like mike tyson kena wallop by evander holyfield

alah..nothing compared to FATSKUNKS...came out on RSI interview....came out on TV suria channel exclusive interview sum more... :lol:
Hi awool,

Mon 22 May is The Ocean Band, KLPHQ and West Grand Boulevard.

The following week features Glitched, Lied and Serenaide.

Yeah, there's an age limit of 18.
if i get to stay till West Grand Boulevard, i will click some pix of their new singer for you SOFTies! :lol: