((( bands needed for events )))


New member
Hey folks,

this is Hayst kx from Ridge and we're looking great bands to play private events .
the location will be "le baroque" at CHIJMES.
it's a really awesome place with a great stage and sound system.
Veteran dudes like doug O were playing there.

the goal of this whole idea is not to make monnies but give us a chance to be rockstars. We're not forcing bands to sell any ticks or wad but pls do tell us how many ppl can u have coming down to party (preferbly minimum 10 of ur friends per band)

pay wise we dare not make any promises in case we can't deliver cos even our balls are on the line for this.

heres the list of stuff to be sent to hayst88@hotmail.com if ur cool with the whole idea.

1. band name
2. brief profile ( no. of members + yrs together)
3. past gig experience
4. media and demos
5. at least 2 members contact ( email and cell phone no.)

thx alot folks and hopefully we'll map something rad beyond anything! should u have any questions pls call 97692192 (don't sms pls)
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