Band Home Recording


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Hello i would like to learn how to do recording and all but i dunno where to start off... i hope to take this as a career in the future i am 16 so i am still in secondary was wondering if there were any courses or advisors out there... and also i wanted to know wat to get next right now i have got a 2nd hand yamaha stage custom kit and SWR LA12 bass amp (180W) a Crate GFX 65 guitar amp a Behringer UB1222FX-Pro mixer a Creative X-Fi Sound Card A Ten Lux Mic and a cheap mic stand ... My band has 2 guitarist 1 bassist 1 drummer and 1 screamer we play screamo and emo ... Pls Pls Pls someone help me... i was thinking of getting the lexicon omega package anyone whu uses it pls tell me more about budget now is around 1k need pa system and another guitar amp i know i need that the rest i dunno..
Hi i maybe can help u. I am using omega lexicon studio at home. Omega lexicon studio provides 4 mono line i/p, 2 xlr i/p and 1 midi i/p. It has the ability of record 4 tracks at one time. From my understanding doing home recording there is a sequence of recording. Not record everything together at one time becos timing and other etc factors will come in to give u problems(not in time, technical error). With the use of mega lexicon, u need not to use your behringer mixer becos omega lexicon provides software Cubase LE and everything can be done in the software. Midi iwse i still not very sure becos i havent tried it yet.(Can ask James hehe he is expert in midi). PM me if u want to know more.

if you wanna take this as a career first of all be prepared, cos financially you're pretty much handling everything.. the mics,recording equipment, soundproofing, guitar,bass,and amps, drums(cymbals,shell,skins) unless you plan to work at a studio that's already been set up.. and besides that, in my opinion, the way you listen to music in audio will not just attend to your special favourite emo/screamo/punk genres, like if you hate certain genres (metal/pop/indie or what), you still gotta record'em as recording requires you to force yourself to appreciate so you can put in effort from your heart hehe..

Diploma Of Audio Engineering courses : SAE (Sch Of Audio Engineering) , FSV (Film Sound Video, ngee ann poly... i think) finish your O levels first..

equipment wise you got some pretty okay stuff, although I've never regarded creative as a recording soundcard. the mixer's good enough too.
with 6 XLR channels, y'know 3 channels - 2 overheads mics. 1 of your mic put on top of your kickdrum aiming at the snare. hopefully should pick up both "kick + snare"
2 channels - lead/rhythm guitars. (but you only got one guitar amp.. hmm)
1 for your screamo vocals (if you're gonna be screaming, watch the volume level)
and bass.. probably line into your bass amp's pre amp then direct line in into the mixer or something.
and if ya got a compressor, plug it into your inserts for your vocals so you can scream all ya want without worrying the vocals overloading badly.
thats all for live recording.. if you wanna multitrack layer (like record drums first then guitars then bass) , you'd probably need to get more mics + mic stands.

so what do you use to record? that? from mixer to tape output L/R -> 1/8 jack -> your creative soundcard -> your recording software?
you got any recording of your band on myspace?
audio course

Hi imperal_racer dude! You should try capstone's audio tech course if you want to learn about recording and sound. I took up the course last november and have completed the first 2 levels and started with the 3rd level - It's awesome.

I've learnt heaps in the course and from Phil the instructor.Plus its dead-cheap. Its under 1000 bucks! I've also opted for the City & Guilds Professional certificate in Sound Engineering for an additional 200 pounds. The cert is internationally recognised and is equal to the 1st year of a degree. I'm really enjoying it. I'm doing the 100% online as I already have my own equipment at home - but they've got the hybrid version where you can choose to take your practicals in a real studio taught by real engineers! I think they're using Blackisle studios in Singapore.

Check them out dude:
Re: audio course

that's a pretty attractive price tag there from capstone's comparing with SAE's I heard $10K course?
anyway what do you get out of capstone? diploma of audio engineering? I've shiatloads of ideas and practical experience but my theory sucks real bad was thinkin' of taking up something but definitely not SAE.
Hi blueprintstudios dude! Once I finish the capstone course i get an advanced cert in audio technology from capstone itself - and after the city and guilds exams i get a professional certificate in sound engineering. Thats 2 certs.

what attracted me to the course (obviously besides it being dead cheap :lol: ), was that i can study the course in my own time, don't have to sit in boring classes and I still could interact with the Phil dude (apparently he used to be a rocker turned engineer - thats cool) and other students in my group from all over the world.

I dont know much bout SAE - I've never been down there myself. I've heard alot though - the good, bad and the ugly- but i compared the sylabuss to theirs and few other courses that i found over the net. the capstone one gives me all plus more. easy choice.

For 10 grand$ I can buy myself few new gagdets and a whole load of spirits
Wow!! "city and guilds exams". That's a term I have not heard in quite a while. These were very popular during the 70-80's with distant learning and certification.

Any means is good if it works for you.
yeah exactly earwax, $10K could get you started on some serious recording already (I know the stuff I have in general is almost $10K which is very little) thanks alot for introducing that in. I might consider it sometime next year probably hehehe I'm sure you don't require O levels or anything to take this course do you? (whole world doesn't have to know it but since this's related, i'm a sec sch dropout. no O levels not even proper N.) it'll be nice to have a pretty piece of paper and understand what the hell some people are talking about when they speak normal audiotech. lingo for a change..
Dude -

I dont think the guys at capstone are concerned much bout your educational background. they only ask bout it during the rego process and thats for formality. i copied the following from their site:

1. Age: 18 & above.
2. Good command of English.

You'll also need:
3. Windows OS (XP preferred).
4.Sound card, good pair of speakers and / or headphones and microphone.
5.Internet connection.

but the first level is slightly technical - so you'll need to some basic math. the lessons are laid down straight forward dude - even i was amazed at what i learnt after the first few units.

ya i agree with you - i've met heaps of dudes who can speak the lingo but cant walk the talk.... but they are good in confusing the shit out of the poor musos :lol:
hahaha nice.. i'm within age, english's fine with me, XP's my style. and I hope my inaccurate ATH-M40fs 's good enough. definitely on my-to-do-within-this-year-or-next-list.

hey ya got any recordings of your own which I can check out?
Go to library at Esplanade to borrow books on audio recordings and mixings eqivalent books. You can start reading it now before you wanna enrol in any courses in audio engineering. This will help you to progress faster. I graduated from SAE and I think SAE is a good school to learn the professional aspect of recordings. mixing and digital music production. SAE will be having their open house this Sat so maybe you can go there and take a tour. I am not sure what modules they have for the students nowadays since they always upgrade and change their modulues but I know they have upgraded their equipments like a SSL console and Pro Tools TDM HD where i only touch on the Behringer and Tascam DM24 mixer and Pro Tools Digi 002 in 2003.
oh yeah books. read quite a few of them already. sometimes they are kinda general knowledge / theories I'm looking for something that'll help inspire ideas to improve my recording also.

thanks for the tips anyway :wink:
blueprintstudios dude,

if you're looking for an unconventional book on mixing - i'd recommend 'the art of mixing' written by two psychedelic engineers. Its a great read if you're new to mixing (which BTW i'm not saying you are, dude) / or you just want to learn more concepts to improve your mix.

and for recording i'd recommend ' the recording engineers handbook' by Owsinski Bobby. This is also well written and inspires you to get up and try new recording techniques.

reading about the same old thing over and over again gets boring after a while. i believe it has to be complimented with 'mentorship' - learning a few new tips and tricks from someone who's been doing it for longer and better and then application and practice, practice, practice... well thats my view, anyway.

dude check these books out (and 100's of more) for free from the capstone elibrary. I think they still allow interested dudes free trial accounts for a few days or weeks. The link is:
Yup...The Art of Mixing is a great book...It really helps alot when you are mixing as the book comes with alot of color graphics with all sorts of music genre mixes.
oh hey thanks for the tip, yeah I already have that art of mixing book and a few of others, will definitely check out capstone!
actually I get my ideas from listening to different kinds of music and keep asking myself what do I hear and how that could be somehow applied into mixing. sometimes the most common ideas right under your nose can be recreated into something way more efficient than they seem. There are times when I am afraid of books as they may get me into relying on them until you limit yourself within the book (no matter how much you remind yourself to think outside the box), so of course i'm not some genius who can just shrug off theories and produce greater results, i guess i've had enough "blindfolded"experience , bout time i learn something from books.
hey blueprintstudio

I totally agree with you- nicely said.

.... "actually I get my ideas from listening to different kinds of music and keep asking myself what do I hear and how that could be somehow applied into mixing. sometimes the most common ideas right under your nose can be recreated into something way more efficient than they seem. There are times when I am afraid of books as they may get me into relying on them until you limit yourself within the book (no matter how much you remind yourself to think outside the box)" ....
What a phoney!

Hey mr. Earwax dude. R u being paid by Mr Capstone to do shameless publicity? Or r u Mr Capstone himself? I know Phil and he was the x manager of SAE, who i heard was fired. And i know black isle studio as well run by ex sae graduates. Cos i have recorded there and the place sux!!!The engineers have bad sound, equipment and worst of all bad ATTITUDE

So who are you trying sell your stuff to Mr Earwax? The softies here?

Take care dude
Re: What a phoney!

beeswax said:
And i know black isle studio as well run by ex sae graduates. Cos i have recorded there and the place sux!!!The engineers have bad sound, equipment and worst of all bad ATTITUDE

Even though I feel that sound quality is subjective and I honestly feel that we have more than decent equipement, especially for the prices we offer, but still if you felt that services rendered by our studio to you were unsatisfactory, I apologise.

Pls feel free to put your band's name down and we will contact you or if you wish, you may contact me at for details for free recording time for any of your songs.

heard that sae wasnt that good cause its a one yr course and the cert wasn that reconised.hmm u could also try lasalle's music tech. another place.
Re: What a phoney!

so beeswax, are you the current new manager of SAE replacing Phil? or are you paid by someone to do equally-shameless flaming haha. why not post your band's "recording" (use and show how "bad" black-isle sucks so someone from there will write ya a coupon to get it redone nicely and inclusive with a happy meal so you don't get all grumpy hiding behind the monitor. just make sure it's not your band that sucks otherwise you'd be pretty much eating all your words really.

i feel Earwax's done a pretty cost efficient "shameless" way of promotion. I'm way convinced into Capstone sometime than studying at SAE cos money's my best friend.

anyway Earwax, yeah it took 4 years of trial and error DIY bedroom recording and 8 years of trial and error editing to come up with that paragraph. hahah... bloody hard way.. and the worst is always yet to come but that's where the fun is.

legin : it depends la, now there's so many places offering audio tech/engr courses. SP , FSV(NP) , la salle , SAE , capstone, altron, etc you see them at one place or another. i think in hands on cases, the cert, no matter what is just to satisfy our society's mindset/norms for "MUST HAVE qualifications". cert aside, a guy that's all talk (theory) no walk (practical) is not gonna last long if he can't perform his purpose/job. end of the day, a live gig's overall sound (minimal trouble with feedback etc) , and a recorded + mixed + finalized audio recorded track's over all sound is gonna be what matters. at least that's what I feel.

5¢ worth