Band Home Recording

Hey beeswax dude,

is it so bad to talk good bout a course that i'm happy with? is it so bad to exchange my ideas and what i've learnt from a good course to people with similar interest? or are u just simply jealous that i'm happy with what i have found and what i'm enjoying - which BTW has improved my knowledge of the field tremendously? or as the blueprintstudio dude has put to you " are u just a hasteful dude from sae - that cannot take the success of the phil dude of capstone?.

whichever way - shame on you dude for trying to put dirt on other people! WHAT DRIVES YOUR HASTE?

to answer your question dude - no i'm not phil! but however i did reccomended this site to phil as i thought he had lots to offer from his knowledge; to those who need it obviously - and not to hasteful, rude dudes like you.

shame on you beeswax!
Hi blueprintstudios dude,

i've tried to go on your weblinks but didnt have any luck - do you have any albums out or just doing recording as a hobby.

i also agree with your 5¢ worth of advice to the legin dude. qualifications are good to have only if the knowledge that comes with it - is of benefit to you. walking the talk is much more crucial in this dog eat dog industry.
Hi Softies, I just received an email saying that I should check out a comment posted on this forum about me.

I have always believed in taking problems head-on instead of hiding behind others backs.

Well beeswax - like I always used to say "all feedback is good feedback", thanks for the comments. A few facts as I supose you have been ill informed from your superiors:

1. Yes I was the Regional Director of SAE Institute for Asia and for Franchisng of Asia, Middle East and Africa since 1994 August. Now I am the course director of Capstone Education teaching and developing content for its Entertainment Technology division.

2. I tendered in my resignation to SAE in August 2004 in Byron Bay to Dr. Tom Misner directly. A man who I have utmost respect to. Reasons were personal and kept confidential - but unlike what you have heard I was not fired.

3. The only people that used to call me with the Mr. title such as Mr. Asia or Mr. Capstone strangely enough was the guys from SAE. Others used to call me Mr. Philip. It's easy to make a connection.

4. I would advise you to be very cautious of making defamatory remarks about me on this site or other. You never know when you can be hauled into court for making wrongful and defamatory remarks. You may wish to get advise from a lawyer regarding the consequences of this. I am quite familiar them.

5. I see that this is your first 'qoute' posted on the site. Which makes me even more suspisious of your ill-noted comment and intentions.

6. I am now working with Capstone due to my extensive background in recording, live sound, building studios and being a musician. Plus my years of training students on audio and business management. I also have given numerous lectures around the region at request of governments and industry. I was also giving tuition to aspiring engineers even before working for SAE in Australia.

7. I dont understand what is wrong with students exchanging their ideas and posting their likes and dislikes about a course on this site or other. It doesnt harm anybody. I see students from all schools doing the same.

8. I have advised the Directors of Capstone to put their banner on - so if you wait long enough you'll probably see it rotating at the top of the screen. I do not need others to do the selling of my Audio Technology Program when I can buy a banner for a few dollars and do it myself. My program talks for itself. My students from all over the globe can also vouche for it.

9. I believe the members who participate in this site are intelligent people and do not need to be 'tricked' into buying a course. You either want to do one or you don't. I see it as giving them another option to choose from. Some will want to enroll into SAE, some into NYP, some into SP, some into Berkley and some into Capstone. What is the big deal? Unless you have a chip on your shoulder or have a personal problem with me.

10. The reason on why I decided to partner with BlackIsle Studios is due to the good feedback I received from their clients and my personal experience with the engineers. I believe they have more than enough good experince to transfer their knowledge of production to my students that follows a sylabuss developed by myself in discussion with the industry. It is not just about knowing how to use the equipment it is about knowing what to do with it and expressing your ideas using the technology you have at hand. Blackisle does just this and they do it good.

After I left SAE I have put myself under a self declared NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) and have never made a bad remark about them (a gentle reminder). I believe in a honest days work and transperancy.

Wishing you all the best.
whatever's said is no waste of time, we all got a better understanding of each other despite bad rumours (coming from my own side I have heard bad rumours from black isle myself, but it's always more reliable to experience it personally). And to lighten things up.. beeswax's "first vocal pitch" was already a wrong note. it shouldn't bother anyone that much or cause some kinda riot. cheers to james to personally ask phillips to clear things up even though it's just a lame flame post, thats how bad rumours spread really, ppl who viewed this post would be like "oh yeah I heard/read this and that."

beeswax : earwax enjoys (in-your-opinion) "substandard" audio engineering courses which benefits him in many ways and wishes to share this cost-efficiency method with others. and very much I'd like to tell the whole world "I do use cheap behringer pre-amps to record and copy-mics (i've upgraded recently..) in the past" when sometimes I see ppl dissing behringer it just feels wrong cos not all of us are that loaded with the cash and can only make the best out of the less.
so dude, just keep your profile to one post, keep your ego and save your apologies (or if you do want to apologise, email phil & blackisle) learn your lesson cos you're just another kid who thinks this place's taking on 3 people (phil & josh-b.i. & james-flamin' in his forum) in 1 post. Even if each of us here can take criticism with an open mind, phil knows his legal stuff to really obliterate ya. this ain't no threat but get it in your head -Play by the rules or the rules will play against you.

earwax : (Finally back to the subject's topic "Band Home Recording") oh yeah taking a break from recording lately so don't want bands to keep emailing me so took it down. (Rumour : close down already even though clearly states on my site i'm takin a break) actually i do both recording as a hobby + album-demo-sideline.recording in a bedroom (I sleep on a foldable bed) about 5m by 5m. computer/drums/amps all in here. sometimes I borrow my siblings room for amp recording.

I've uploaded 5 mp3s (1 live + 4 layered), I have permission to upload from the bands btw :
[EmoPunk] april 05 , layered test free recording (pod 2.0/bass D.I.) will be rerecording this song again in an amp mike up version next month since alot of "fans" msged me on msn saying it's a good song and all hahah..
[PunkRock] june 05 , live recording (pod 2.0 / behringer vamp 2.0 / bass D.I.) + layered vocals.haha damn i suck...
[PopPunk] this was a $10charge test layer recording in may 05 , very rough mix so you hear the drums kinda out of control. and the amp used sucks as distortion..
[Hardcore/Rock] err sept 05 work. kinda regret on the highs. had a short time to mix this and "AURAL FATIGUE" would be the cause of screwing up on the highs..
and pardon on the crackles on the vocals haha. my first time recording "screamo" vocals and I thought turning up the tube distortion on my presonus bluetube dp would sound good. end up trying decrackle it..
[Metalcore] this one would be the most recent oct 05. drummer sounded like he almost tore my drumset apart haha..
currently recording my last band @ my room. then i'm movin' on to a different idea..

what about you man, what about you all? haha, Home recordings are like aural paintings to me. even though they may sound not-up-to standard but the idea of "DIY" to me is really fascinating. like DIY music videos etc.

50¢ worth.
legin said:
heard that sae wasnt that good cause its a one yr course and the cert wasn that reconised.hmm u could also try lasalle's music tech. another place.

Yes. SAE Diploma in Audio Engineering indeed is a one year course and even before that was a 9 month course. I am in the first batch of students who started the 1 year diploma program. I don't see 1 year is too short for a Audio diploma cert as I have gain alot of knowledge in recording, mixing, live sound, audio-post production and even video productions from lecturers whom I respected alot like Mr Tay, Mr Giri, Mr Dehumo and Mr Patrick. I totally don't agree with you saying SAE cert wasn't that recognised. To tell you the truth, it's not so much about the cert that matters when you wanna get into this recording or post-production industry, its the knowledge and hands-on experience you get when in any of the audio school be it SAE, Capstone, Ngee Ann Poly or Lasalle. Till now, my employer didn't even bother bou what cert I have as long I know what I am capable of and produce the results what he want or meet the client needs. I also knew quite a few very experience engineers who graduated from SAE who are doing quite well.

As for the fees different big gap difference between SAE and Capstone. I think its because SAE now have quite a number of industry professional equipments like Solid State Logic Console, Digidesign Control 24 and Pro Tools HD systems that make the couse more ex.
yeah actually people around me talk about SAE more than any other courses. then capstone would be the latest I heard from earwax.
so jimz, is it true that SAE's course is $10K for 1 year??
It's near $10K. The exact amount should be $9500 if I am not wrong. Coz SAE always amend their fees. In 2003 and earlier, my fees were $8500. But they increases to $10500 in 2004 I think but since last year they drop to $9500. $8500 was suppose to be a 9 month old modules course. After they added new modules to a year course then they increased the fees. I was studying at the old location at Sims Ave that time with old facilities but now they have move to Bencoolen Street with new facilties. I also heard most of the lecturers during my time have left the school so I am not so sure about the new SAE now. I do know Mr Philip when he was the SAE Director, he was a friendly and nice guy to talk to.
thanks thanks for the info heheh. although i'm sure they've upgraded something to increase the fees.. maybe my class 2 + bike will come in first.. so jim you got recordings of your own?
"I do know Mr Philip when he was the SAE Director, he was a friendly and nice guy to talk to."

Hi Jimz,

I still am a friendly and nice guy to talk to. So hows work after school?
philipkilic said:
"I do know Mr Philip when he was the SAE Director, he was a friendly and nice guy to talk to."

Hi Jimz,

I still am a friendly and nice guy to talk to. So hows work after school?

Hi Mr Philip,

I now working as an audio engineer in Technicolor immediately after I completed my course at SAE as well as doing freelance live sound engineer and sound design. I think I have gain valuable experience in SAE as a student. :)

But the new management at SAE Singapore seems to be not functioning well coz some of my classmates have yet to receive their diploma cert after chasing them for the past 1 year. :x
Thats great. It always makes me happy to hear from students and their achievements.

... and you know that I cant really comment on the other issue :) .

I think we should put this thread back to what it originally was made out to be "how to sound".

what do you think? legin, blueprintstudios, earwax, joshuaG ....?
hehehe, i'm kinda tryin' to keep the topic goin' hopefully someone posts their own recordings and include details like what was used to record etc (doesn't have to be something real great as long as it's audiorelated y'know) heheh.. but suddenly the guys all disappeared.. sianz.
cool stuff man, your vocalist got alot of C-rock style. alot of pitching problem in other songs but I thought the one that stood out would be hai you yi dian. recording / vocals all aspects all better. just the pitch/tuning in some songs man. keep it up !
how did you record the guitars? mics/mic up/amp/pedal.. sounds a little fuzzy
Thanks! Hai You Yi Dian actually was my final module project which I personally think was the best song I ever recorded and mixed so far.

The guitars were all miced up using a 15W amp. With one close miking and the other bou 1 metre away from the amp. Mics used was Shure SM57. The ryhthm guitar used a Zoom multi-effect and the solo and plucking guitar was thru a Boss GT-6.
the drums sound nicely tuned. hehe nice nice. a pity if only there was a better guitar amp for the distortion.
good stuff man. recorded at SAE? or your place?
Haha... It was recorded at SAE...You know how long the drummer tuned the drums? 4 hours! He was so serious on the toms and kick sound that he recommend SAE to change new drum skins as it was already damage. By the time he finished tuning the drums and experimenting it, the session was over and had to retune again next session to record coz it was being used by other students before that. But I must salute to his professionalism and perfection on the recording as he wants the best sounding drums and perfect timing on every beat and rolls.

As for the guitar amp, the school doesn't provide amp so we have to take our own amp to school. Our home practise amp can say sucks as there are noise coming out. We didn't want to D.I the guitar signal into the mixer as we want the guitar to sound raw and analog.
jimz said:
Haha... It was recorded at SAE...You know how long the drummer tuned the drums? 4 hours! He was so serious on the toms and kick sound that he recommend SAE to change new drum skins as it was already damage..

SAE will never bother to change any of the drumheads or equipment there..people have been making requests for years. i wouldnt be surprised if the snare head is still the same one i put on years ago....