Band Competition Of The Year 2008

yea jugman i kinda get what u mean. If i were u also even if i probably wont get the money back, i d still go ahead with a report just to screw them over and make sure that they dont do bullshit like this again. or at least in singapore
I have had somewhat similar problems with band agents, guitar shop dealers etc etc in the past regarding $$$ issues. I can tell you it's very difficult to get your $$$ back though I did manage for certain cases by going through legal methods (laywers & even small claims court) but even that too it too quite a while.

Police report would be for normally cheating / cpib cases but doubt you all can get $$$ back, this would however generally cause problems for the individual though.

My 2 cents

we're talking about 30 bucks no 30000 . haha i dont think cpib would give a shit
Its not about how many tickets shes trying to scam, but about the intention she has, and as long many people reported her, eventho there's no solid evidence she has committed something, the law enforcers will file her and shes under observation of the police, cpib etc etc, this is good enuff, if she commits bigger crime, she will be in deep trouble then. At least we can do something about this to stop all this nonsense.
Do u think she's scared enuff now after readin post after post bout her in this forum?
If this is the ferst time she's doin this...maybe shud just forgive police involve.
I mean maybe just make sure she wont be organisin anythin like this anymore.
Yes 30 bucks is big n wad she did is worth more than 30 bucks worth of anger n the pissiness of all bands involve but....yea...maybe just chill ppl...she's no Mas Selamat.
Im not siding her or sumthin but yea....Just try to balance evrythin....
I bet she's peein everytime readin every post bout her with the word POLICE in it...includin this one...
yes what i was saying was she mentioned from the start that once she got the money she wasnt gonna follow through the gig that well, in a way it was a scam all along.

i thought she was kidding when my friend told me about it, but apparently it was true.
and yessss im a female. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP THINKING I AM A MALE. ):
bro zax

bro fgl is implying corruption cases-not the bureau per se..its a lingo for corruption offences
back in the days before you were born..the lingo of cpib meant cheating,corruption or CBT cases

the long arm of the law needs to be extended to deal more with this type of people....rather than a futile search for the elusive Mas Selamat :lol:
you guys are forgeting something
yes its only 30 dollars from per band
but i do not know how many have joined
if its 10?
it would be 300
so do the calculations again
This Is Melissa Here ! I Dont Think I Deserve Any Of This Shit You Have Been Saying About Me Because I Did Not Plan On Doing Anything Im A Victim Too Like All The Bands Kenneth And Json Bought Me Into This. I Have Not Been Into This Website For A Very Long Time Anything Said By Me Was By Jasoin And Kenneth Because They Have My Pasword And The Money Is With Them I Did Not Touch One Cent Of It! And I Too Nearly Got My Money Cheated Of $1440. What Makes Me The Mastermind? Tell Me. And Whatever Freemansland Is Saying Pls Stop Slamming Me! I Do Not Appreciate It!
to the dear gig organiser melissa

Melissa, i do not think im like at your level to make any comments about you.Freemansland do not respect you its a fact. Live with it so get a grip.Cause you make alot of empty promises! its our assumption and opinion and since you brought this up i think everyone should know that you owe the company by verbal agreement $945(not even thinking of getting it) and myself $35(black and white).$1440? dun be a joke la. i want to laugh. So stop hiding in your bird nest and start being more responsible. If you're a victim i'm VERY sure you will have reported to the police or even give the band an explaination.Come on melissa, start giving proper arguments.No war is ever won without detailed planning.

dear mellisa

if what you said were true
y do u hide?
why do u reject all the bands phone calls
that just prove you are guilty

and why now wanna speak up?
need symphaty?
now that your "good" names have been tarnished then you appear?
saving you good name rather than helping the band out?
if you and kenneth never pick up your phones
that just proved that you guys are guilty

show me that i'm wrong

and if your not guilty u should have work with the bands and clear all the things
and trust me
people will not believe you anymore after what you have shown
how unprofessional you are at dealing this
i hate your ego

and after all this you still got a cheek to be mad at us?
your one snobbish arrogant girl
if u realy not part of this
y didnt you justify at the 1st place?
y didnt you help the bands?
y didnt you pick up their desperate calls?

you call yourself an organiser
but u dun act like one
you dont have the experience to pull this off
you always end off with a fight with your patners
sorry if i were to say this
your unprofessionalism in dealing this matter disgust me

if no then you are trying to help
it just proved you wanna push all the blames to your fellow patners
and its jus show how irresponsible you are

you said they got your password?
but you too have been dealing with the bands
you leave your phone num and msn here
dun try to turn things around and prove your innocence here
i wont be fooled

one thing for sure
you are here to cover up those loose powder on your face
and trust me
i hate your fake eyelashes!

bring all the people together and have a nice talk about whose fault is it?
like EVERYONE meet together and see where the money went..
oh i believe its got 2 endings.

we gather all the victmised bands and make a police report together.

alternate ending: melissa and kenneth and jason plead guilty. (which will never happen)
so if plead guilty?
thats it?
so easily being let off?
well ask for conpensation(which i doubt they can)
the time and money wasted on jamming and preparations
dun let em off easily:)
ah dude. i stated there: will never happen

haha if it does happen, you gotta give them a little credit for doing it. no one would even want to do it in the state they're in. after that, then we'll see what we can do with them

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