Bad softie cheats in a deal

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just a few cents of my opinion. personally if there's such deal of installments for any purchase of any instrument, i think it would be best that both parties are either trusted friend or colleagues that they know. this way such a case will nv happen. secondly, if the buyer has no confidence in paying in full and don't really know the seller, don't suggest/accept installment plan if you can't live up to the expectations of the seller unless you are very certain that at a specific time and at a specific date that you can pay. if there was an urgent performance, you have so many friends that you can borrow a instrument from, i am sure at least a few of them are willing to help, cuz that's wat friends are for isnt it?

Mesergod(not going against you pls dont feel so!):) you spoke about foreigners looking at our thread and laughed and said that this is the reason why local music scene wont grow? well, i think this is also another reason why.and that is Responsibility. everybody has their own family problems. you have not met someone worse than you. but no matter what, the responsibility in closing a deal has got to be there. yes, we all know that you will still pay. but what does the word responsibility means to you? to me, its executing what you agreed to do at that specific time or location that you agreed so.

why i brought this out is this, i agree with you that we all got to work together to bring this scene up. but i do not agree with you by not being responsible, if you have gone thru with it specifically i dont think such a thing would happen. we all learn from mistake. and you have made yours mesergod. but you are not condemned. :) we all learn. and you have apologised for it and i know in the future you prolly won't make the same mistakes again.

so lets just all learn from this! valuable lesson! no one is perfect people. no one. so show some love, forgive and start anew. if ever this problem arises, den you and i both know who to trust who not to. :) peace.

P.S: Again this is just my opinion, so if i have offended anyone, i apologize.

and to the moderators, if this post causes any stir, please take it down. i am just sharing my point of view hope its not too much. ok no more from me!
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i'm from 124...welfare is not given bro...after 126 then they got pay is only 400...thats the highest i can get..after minus the stupid welfare card and powell all i only bring home 400 max...stupid lor...i dun even use the police wefare card...and the magazines we suppose to pay..i dun even get to read it...its not i got no money...i need the guitar for a performance which is a stupid performance...but wher's allen...reply me leh allen..and the unknown...keep in contact man..i can give u free lessons...since i'm talkin lessons from a guy..wad i learn i can teach u wad...if u need a band..i can hook u up..since i got alot of frens whu haf no band...

trust me when i say any intake from the new police academy is receiving welfare. if you were from the old police academy then you will know.
400? you werent promoted? where were you stationed to?
of course i won't repaet i man...but wad really piss me is he said all the things i said is full of craps???dude...FYI..i dun onl support metal man...i support EVERYTHING!!!may it punk or emo or hardcore...and wad u mean bout talkin crap man...wad u wan me to do..i sms u u mvr reply...recently only i sms u..,whu scolding the vulgaritites here man..why are u so hard headed man...why so much ego???is ur playin guitar that good..better than me...or wad..tell me man...
i'm station to tanglin...i noe la old police acedemy got no welfare and stuff...i noe wad u mean..coz we stayed ther for pandora exercise...
i'm from 124...welfare is not given bro...after 126 then they got pay is only 400...thats the highest i can get..after minus the stupid welfare card and powell all i only bring home 400 max...stupid lor...i dun even use the police wefare card...and the magazines we suppose to pay..i dun even get to read it...its not i got no money...i need the guitar for a performance which is a stupid performance...but wher's allen...reply me leh allen..and the unknown...keep in contact man..i can give u free lessons...since i'm talkin lessons from a guy..wad i learn i can teach u wad...if u need a band..i can hook u up..since i got alot of frens whu haf no band...

1st of all ur full of crap and your reasons are ridiculous just tell the man when you're gonna pay him, apologize, close the deal and its over. dun go crying over police ns not giving you time to spare for yourself. I'M in IT! So PLEASE spare us all your nonsense and cut to the chase.

Ur a disgrace to 124 intake. I didn't remember any of the squads keeping such a big pile of shit.

Just shut up and PAY.
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Isnt that a rather ridiculous statement?


Someone said something about going up to the minister mentor and telling him about metal.... What uninspiring individuals... wanna talk about music..
Yah dude.
just settle with him.
And. i dun think anyone would dare deal with you anymre if you continue on posting.
And i just dun get it.
why the hell would u bring out cus u malay then hes looking down on you?

i seriously dun get it man.
unless u wana start smth here.
stop ur nonsense.

jus pay him his $120.
people messergod has promised to settle this matter, All u butting in randomly saying stuff like "just pay lah" have to be really retarded to keep doing so. I dont wanna post either but its so bloody frustrating seeing so many action bedeks.
i thought its already settled? the thread statter refused to take the 120dollars even though messer offered to pay?

so why are you guys so angsty about?
read previous few post and do understand its already over and done with.


who are you to pass such remarks.
you are not the comissioner of police nor god.
not everyone is the same.
maybe you didnt have a hard time. but thats just your luck.
unfortunately some people have debts and family matters to attend to.
so never compare your life to others.
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